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Los Colibris Casitas

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Driving directions

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When departing airport, follow signs for Zona Hotelera Cuota and Cabo San Lucas

You’ll see a welcome sign for Los Cabos as you leave airport

Pass through toll booth and collect ticket which you’ll pay at the end

Follow signs for Cabo San Lucas. Ignore signs for San Jose del Cabo

Then follow signs for Todos Santos, and pay the toll as you exit.

Take Highway 19 North to Todos Santos

Continue along Highway 19 for about 45 minutes then take right-hand turn-off for Todos Santos at around KM 57

Enter town at KM 52, then follow blue and white signs with orange arrows for Hotel Posada La Poza

Follow signs all over a bunch of crazy dirt roads, always following the orange arrows. Once you have an expansive view of the ocean and this

When you see the sign that reads LOS COLIBRIS PARKING STAY LEFT—do that! Follow the direc tions below to get to your specific casita.

Driving directions
Please select a start location
When departing airport, follow signs for Zona Hotelera Cuota and Cabo San Lucas

You’ll see a welcome sign for Los Cabos as you leave airport

Pass through toll booth and collect ticket which you’ll pay at the end

Follow signs for Cabo San Lucas. Ignore signs for San Jose del Cabo

Then follow signs for Todos Santos, and pay the toll as you exit.

Take Highway 19 North to Todos Santos

Continue along Highway 19 for about 45 minutes then take right-hand turn-off for Todos Santos at around KM 57

Enter town at KM 52, then follow blue and white signs with orange arrows for Hotel Posada La Poza

Follow signs all over a bunch of crazy dirt roads, always following the orange arrows. Once you have an expansive view of the ocean and this

When you see the sign that reads LOS COLIBRIS PARKING STAY LEFT—do that! Follow the direc tions below to get to your specific casita.

Enquiry Form

Los Colibris Casitas

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