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Mokuti Etosha


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Driving directions

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From Windhoek follow the B1 for 3 505 km

Turn left onto the C38 for 25 km and follow the signs towards Namutoni Fort

Mokuti Etosha Lodge is on the left just prior to reaching the Von Lindequist Gate

From Mokuti Etosha Lodge turn right onto the C38

Turn right onto the B1 and proceed for 3505 km

Travel southbound +/- 5 hours on the B1 follwing the signs to Windhoek

Driving directions
Please select a start location
From Windhoek follow the B1 for 3 505 km

Turn left onto the C38 for 25 km and follow the signs towards Namutoni Fort

Mokuti Etosha Lodge is on the left just prior to reaching the Von Lindequist Gate

From Mokuti Etosha Lodge turn right onto the C38

Turn right onto the B1 and proceed for 3505 km

Travel southbound +/- 5 hours on the B1 follwing the signs to Windhoek

Enquiry Form

Mokuti Etosha

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