Lord Milner Hotel
Matjiesfontein was founded in 1884 by the legendary and energetic Scottish railwayman James Douglas Logan. It became established as a fashionable Victorian health spa, and is now well known for its splendid historical buildings and a peace and timelessness that is rare. In testament, the entire Village was preserved as a National Heritage Site in 1975 under the direction of revered hotelier David Rawdon.
Matjiesfontein is a feast for the imagination as between these walls lie a colourful history that includes international cricketers, Olive Schreiner’s residency, fortification during the Boer war as headquarters of the Cape Command, refuge for Jamieson Raid reformers, and controversial war crimes hearings.
Step back in time and be indulged in the sumptuous surrounds of yesteryear - take a trip on the Old London Bus, let Johnny on trumpet summon you to dinner, soak up the history in the Transport or Victoriana museums, take in the uniqueness of the Little Karoo with veld walks, hikes and mountain bikes, visit the Boer War British Army remount encampment site (c.1900) nearby, play a game of tennis or simply relax, and read in the opulent lounges or by the residents only pool.
Matjiesfontein is indeed a Great Country Getaway where pure relaxation is enjoyed. In addition, we provide an unrivalled setting and excellent facilities to cater for your wedding, family celebration, or conference.