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Makumu Private Game Lodge

Bushman Villa

The bow and quiver of arrows will leave you in no doubt as to the theme of this room, from the earthy colours of the bed cover to the printed bedding. Leather, eggshell beadwork, bows and arrows were functional fingerprints which defined their simplistic yet inspiring way of life. Very few traditional Bushmen are alive today, but the legacy of these amazing people is still very much felt across the continent and is proudly showcased in our Bushman suites.

The various groups of San people colloquially known as “Bushmen,” are the first known people of Africa and the oldest culture on earth. Drawing from a deep pool of ancestral knowledge and legendary bush craft, the San were master survivalists, hunter-gatherers and herbalists living in a remarkable partnership with the land. With the arrival of the ancestors of Africans, as well as the colonial era, the Bushmen communities were forced into the drier and inhospitable Kalahari region, which would later become their heartland.

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Ndebele Villa

Decorated with a contemporary African theme, in bold and vibrant earthly colours, our Ndebele Suites offer warmth, solitude and elegance. It is the southern Ndebele’s typically striking, artistic and colourful flair that inspired these two suites’ décor. These beautiful geometric designs define a Ndebele household, celebrating the matriarch’s warmth, hospitality, personality and individuality within the community.

The Ndebele history began in the 1600’s when tribal leaders decided to branch out from what would become present-day KwaZulu-Natal and forge an independent and culturally autocratic community. Internal politics, however, would divide the clans into the northern (present day Zimbabwe) and southern sects that settled in the vicinity of what is now the Mpumalanga and KZN provincial boundary region.

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Zulu Villa

Decorated in the theme of the Zulu, our Zulu suites offer spaciousness, elegance and seclusion. Warfare and decoration were a central pillar within the Zulu tradition, and typical décor consists of spears and shields, as well as colourful beads. The vitality and energy of Zulu people, typified through dance, storytelling and a strong sense of identity is very much evident in modern times and in our Zulu suites. Overlooking the camp waterhole, the game viewing holds spectacular potential.

The vibrant legacy of the Zulu nation is attributed largely to the legendary figure of King Shaka (1787 – 1828). Shaka’s vision was to amalgamate the various communities scattered around the region of present day KwaZulu-Natal into one autonomous ethnic group. He achieved this largely by force and intimidation, creating the Zulu nation as we know it today. King Shaka remains a pillar of history and legacy within the southern African sub-region.

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