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Nasikia Mobile Migration Camp (Jun - Oct)

Nasikia Mobile Migration Camp

(10 units / villas)

Nasikia Mobile Migration Camp follows the Great Wildebeest migration, as well as other wildlife from the Ngorongoro Conservation Area to the Serengeti National Park. By being mobile, the camps are able to offer the best wildlife viewing. There are 12 tents that are 12m by 4m, each with a cooling feature of shade-clothing over the tent.

Nasikia Mobile Migration Camp moves between two locations through the year, except for April and May. From December to March, the camp is in Ndutu, Ngorongoro Conservation Area and can be reached by road or Ndutu Airstrip. From June to October the camp is in northern Serengeti near Kogatende (Kitchwa Tembo) and can be reached by road or Kogatende Airstrip.

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