Kapamba Bushcamp

Kapamba Chalets
The charm and romance of Kapamba is most obvious in its four spacious en-suite chalets.
Dark russet walls, oversized beds with linen throws, big mosquito nets and copper accents create a
peaceful ambience to rest and restore after game drives and walking safaris.
The bathrooms feature indoor showers opening out to the outdoors, the ultimate in bush indulgence
Clever wrought-iron shutters are drawn each evening so that you can enjoy the sights and sounds of the African night without worrying about unwanted visitors wandering into your room whilst you sleep.
Two of the chalets have tree top salas overlooking the river, a place to game view, read, snooze, or just relax in calm solitude during afternoon siestas.
Kapamba is one of only two bushcamps in the park to stay open from April until January, the other being Zungulila.