Mbali Mbali Gombe

Chimpanzee Trekking
The minimum participating age for chimpanzee trekking as determined by TANAPA is 15 years old. Chimp Viewing is limited to a maximum of 6 people per group for 1 hour at a time. Chimpanzee trekking is conducted on day of departure and day of arrival only if time allows subject to arrival/departure schedules and chimps location. Maximum viewing time is one hour per day. If the chimps are moving and viewing is interrupted, your time will be paused until they have been relocated, but trekking is not permitted for longer than 3 hours after the initial chimp sighting, even if the one hour total has not been reached. This is to minimize disturbance to the animals and to the forest.
Gombe is the smallest of Tanzania's national parks, roughly just about 60 sq kms. It is home to chimpanzees, habituated to human visitors, who were made famous by the pioneering work of Jane Goodall, who founded a behavioral research program that now stands as the longest-running study of its kind in the world. Most visitors are enthusiastic about the biography and want to see the chimp families and places she talks about in her book i.e. her house, the research centre, and Janes Peak. There is also a waterfall which guests like to hike to.

Water Activities and Cultural Tours
Once in Gombe, you can enjoy kayaking, boat safaris, swimming, and fishing excursions.
Boat Safaris in Gombe are 25 USD per person. Visit a neighboring fishing village, Mwamgongo, for a cultural tour. Stop at the village with our guide to understand fishing activities, palm oil extractions, embroidery, boat making, and visit the chief’s palace. Experience also the traditional Ha Dance. This village is 3km away from Mbali Mbali Gombe.
Fishing Excursions in Gombe are 85 USD per person for 2 hours.

Birding and Forest Walk
Proceed on a forest walk of Gombe Stream National Park. Learn about the Flora and Fauna on your trail from your expert guide.