Wilderness DumaTau
DumaTau Camp lies on an exquisite site on the banks of the Linyanti River’s Osprey Lagoon. It is located close to the source of the Savute Channel in the western part of the Linyanti, between two elephant corridors, thus offering an exclusive combination of land and river experience. The ten en-suite tented units (eight twin and two family) are raised off the ground to overlook the Lagoon. The architecture and interiors evoke the age of the explorers, and the window-wide netting provides a sense of space with dramatic views of the river. The main areas include a floating fire deck, with expansive dining and lounge areas all sporting the same vista. Activities allow guests to view game during day and night game drives, on short nature walks (depending on qualified guide availability), and while boating along the serene waters of the Linyanti River (levels permitting). DumaTau Camp operates completely on solar energy, for hot water, lighting and other energy needs, and is built of FSC-standard timber.