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Arenal Mundo Aventura Night Hikes


As the sun sets, many animals seek shelter while other nocturnal mammals, insects, and amphibians become active, using the cover of night to go unnoticed while they forage for food. These animals use sounds to communicate, protect their territory, and attract mates.

Properly equipped, you will embark on a night tour to discover a world immersed in the forest of
amphibians and reptiles. You will be able to observe frogs such as the Gladiator frog, the Smoky
Jungle Frog, and large predators like the Ternero frog. You will also encounter snakes, including the
infamous Fer-de-lance, the Eyelash Viper, non-venomous vine snakes, and other species.

With a bit of luck, you might spot mammals such as sloths, ocelots, and armadillos. As for birdlife,
you can enjoy watching owls, including the Crested Owl, Screaming and Pygmy Owls. This experience will immerse you in the authentic nature.

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