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SouthWild Pantanal Lodge


Discover the Pantanal's bird paradise at the Jabiru Tower, near our lodge. Here, amidst the wilderness, witness rare birds like the Hyacinth Macaw, nesting Jabiru storks, and soaring Black-Collared Hawks. It's an ideal spot for unforgettable photos and close encounters with nature's splendor. The tower offers more than views—it's a serene retreat into the heart of avian life.

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Boat Safari

Embark on SouthWild's unique Pantanal Boat Safari and explore the diverse waterways of a remarkable ecosystem. Experience serene journeys across wetlands, encountering caimans, playful otters, and a variety of exotic birds, including kingfishers and herons. Guided by experts, this immersive safari offers close-up wildlife encounters and the tranquility of nature's untouched beauty, promising lasting memories.

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Guided Horseback and Walking Tours

Explore the Pantanal's serene beauty on horseback or through expert-led walking tours. Traverse lush landscapes, connect with nature, and uncover the vibrant ecosystem at every step. These excursions offer an intimate exploration of this magnificent habitat, promising unforgettable experiences.

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Photography Opportunities - Jaguar Guarantee

For photography enthusiasts, the Pantanal offers unparalleled opportunities to capture wildlife's essence. Surrounded by diverse fauna and breathtaking scenery, you're poised to frame the perfect shot, from jaguars' graceful leaps to exotic birds' intricate dances. Guided to ideal spots, every click celebrates the Pantanal's wild beauty, with the unmatched chance to photograph jaguars, guaranteed.

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The Ocelot Experience

At dusk, the Pantanal transforms, offering a unique opportunity at our Ocelot hide. Here, from just 8-13 meters away, you can quietly observe and photograph elusive Ocelots in their element. This unparalleled experience lets you witness the secretive lives of these creatures up close, providing a profound connection with one of nature's most mysterious felines. Join us for the world's premier Ocelot Experience.

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A Visual and Relaxing Retreat

In the heart of the Pantanal, where serene landscapes meet vibrant wildlife, every view is a masterpiece. Golden hues, whispering forests, and tranquil waters offer not just visual delight but a chance to unwind. Here, amidst this natural canvas, you're invited to relax and rejuvenate. With a pool and relaxing areas integrated to our lodge, the Pantanal becomes more than a visual treat; it's a sanctuary for the soul. Capture moments, embrace tranquility, and find peace in nature's embrace.

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