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Bagatelle Kalahari Game Ranch

  • Bagatelle Kalahari Game Ranch - Dune Chalet Exterior 4

    Blended in the Kalahari dunes
  • .Bagatelle Kalahari Game Ranch - Dune Chalet Bathroom with view

  • Dune Exclusive

    Guthaben: .
  • Dune Exclusive

    Guthaben: .
  • Dune Exclusive Interior View

    Guthaben: .
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    Guthaben: .
  • Bagatelle Kalahari Game Ranch - Dune Chalet Interior (Low)

    Guthaben: (C) 2012 by ResDest.com - Reservation Destination
    Luxurious bedroom at your comfort
  • .Bagatelle Kalahari Game Ranch - Dune Chalet Interior 2

  • .

  • Bagatelle Kalahari Game Ranch - Dune Chalet Exterior (Low)

    Sunset view of dune chalets
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    Guthaben: .
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    Guthaben: .
  • Bagatelle Kalahari Game Ranch - Outdoor Dining around the Fire (Low)

    Guthaben: (C) 2012 by ResDest.com - Reservation Destination
    Round the fire place, dinner is served
  • Bagatelle Kalahari Game Ranch - Outdoor Dining (Low)

    Guthaben: (C) 2012 by ResDest.com - Reservation Destination
    Enjoy dinner after a long day of adventure
  • Bagatelle Kalahari Game Ranch - Swimming Pool

    Escape the Desert heat in our refreshing swimming pool
  • Bagatelle Kalahari Game Ranch - Vast and Diverse Kalahari (Low)

    Guthaben: (C) 2013 by ResDest.com - Reservation Destination
    Open desert wilderness
  • Bagatelle Kalahari Game Ranch - Sundowner Nature Drives (Low)

    Guthaben: (C) 2012 by ResDest.com - Reservation Destination
    Nature drives at the sunset in the Kalahari
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    Guthaben: .
  • Bagatelle Kalahari Game Ranch - Wellness Centre (Low)

  • Bagatelle Kalahari Game Ranch - Cheetah Drive

    Guthaben: (C) 2012 by ResDest.com - Reservation Destination
    Cheetahs are usual in the area each one faster than you
  • Cheetah Feeding

    Guthaben: Gregory Feris
    Cheetah Conservation
  • Bagatelle Kalahari Game Ranch - Horse Riding 3

    Adventure into the wild on horseback
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    Guthaben: .
  • .Bagatelle Kalahari Game Ranch - San Excursion 3

  • Bagatelle Kalahari Game Ranch - Campsite at a distance (Low)

    Guthaben: (C) 2012 by ResDest.com - Reservation Destination
    Camping in wide open space
  • Bagatelle Kalahari Game Ranch Scenic View (Low)

    Guthaben: (C) 2012 by ResDest.com - Reservation Destination
    Enjoy the sunrise of the Kalahari desert and the breeze of the southern hemisphere
  • Hauptbereich

  • Weinkeller

  • Liegestühle für den Pool

  • Luftaufnahme von Savannen- und Dünenhütten

  • Menü zum Abendessen

  • Gartenzimmer

  • Gartenzimmer

  • Chalets in Savanna

  • Chalets in Savanna

  • Chalets in Savanna

  • Chalets in Savanna

  • Dune Chalets

  • Dune Chalets

  • Dune Chalets

  • Dune Chalets

  • Exklusive Dune Chalets

  • Exklusive Dune Chalets

  • Exklusive Dune Chalets

  • Exklusive Dune Chalets

  • Exklusive Dune Chalets

  • Campingplatz

  • Campingplatz

  • Campingplatz

  • Sundowner Drive

  • Geparden

  • Sundowner Drive

  • Campingplatz

  • Reiten

  • Sundowner

  • Buschmann-Spaziergang

  • Wellness

  • Fahrt in die Natur

  • Aktivität von Bushman

  • Sundowner... mit einem Lächeln

  • Dünenchalet

  • Kalahari-Rand

  • Buschmann-Dorf

  • Bagatelle-Logo


Bagatelle Kalahari Game Ranch

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