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Huab Lodge

  • Main area

  • Swimming Pool

  • Hot springs

  • Chalets

  • Main area

  • Huab coffee

  • Desert-adapted elephants

  • Vogelbeobachtung

    Guthaben: (C) Huab Lodge
    The natural bird sanctuary of indigenous birds
  • Rundfahrten

    Guthaben: (c) Huab Lodge
    One of the 3 activities offered at Huab Lodge
  • Bee-eater

  • German graves

  • German graves

  • Black Eagle nest

  • Local inhabitants

  • Local wildlife

  • Desert-adapted elephant

  • Local wildlife

  • Ephemeral river drive

  • Lunch in the Huab River

  • Lunch in the Huab River

  • Local flora

  • Moonrise

  • Sunset on Huab

  • Landscapes

  • Huab River - ephemeral river drive

  • Huab River - ephemeral river drive

  • The Villa @Huab

  • The Villa @Huab

  • The Villa @Huab

  • The Villa @Huab

  • The Villa @Huab

  • The Villa @Huab

  • The Villa @Huab

  • The Villa @Huab

  • The Villa @Huab

  • The Villa @Huab

  • The Villa @Huab

  • The Villa @Huab

  • Chalets

  • Chalets

  • Chalets

  • Chalets

  • Hot Springs

  • German baths

  • Huab at night

  • Main area

  • Main area

  • German Baths

  • Breakfast at Huab

  • Breakfast at Huab


Huab Lodge

*Erforderliche Felder

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Nachname *
Email Adresse *
Telefon-Nummer *
Voraussichtliche Abreise
Anzahl Tage
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