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Mkhaya Game Reserve Stone Camp

Game Drive

Mkhaya experience is all inclusive. On arrival, guests are transported into Stone Camp on open Land Rovers, with over night bags.

First Game Drive is en-route to Stone Camp, whether 10h00 or 16h00.

Game Drives are generally early morning, pre-breakfast and evenings, with a midday drive for in-house guests.

Game Drives explore the Endangered species area as well as the greater Mkhaya. Most are 2-2,5 hrs.

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Guided Game or Birding Walk

Guided Game Walks are available to guests staying 2 nights or more on the 24hr package.

Departing from Stone Camp, guests enjoy the busy birdlife in the forests along the seasonal Ngwenyane River, get interpretation on spoor and signs of the wild and no doubt have incredible sightings.

Game Walks are limited to 6 people per guide.

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Mkhaya Game Reserve Stone Camp

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