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Encounter Mara

Game Drives

Game drives are offered twice daily one in the morning at 06h30 and one in the late afternoon at 16h30. The game drives are done in the conservancy. In the conservancy, off-road driving is permitted – this gives you the liberty to explore every hidden valley and secret corner.

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Night Drives

Night Game drives are offered in the conservancy as well as the adjoining Maasai Mara Reserve. In the conservancy, off-road driving is permitted – this gives you the liberty to explore every hidden valley and secret corners and also gives the opportunity to spot some of Kenya’s famous ‘nightlife’.

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Culture and Community Visits

The majority of Encounter Mara’s guides are drawn from the local Maasai communities and are landowners in the conservancy. They are always eager to share their culture and way of life with interested guests, and visits to nearby villages and homesteads are easily arranged. (at an additional cost)

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Hot Air Balloon Safaris

This is a romantic and evocative way to experience the wilderness of East Africa. Nothing can beat the feeling of gliding silently over the game-filled plains on a balloon safari, as the early-morning sun rises over the horizon. (at an additional cost)

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Photographic Vehicle

Calling all passionate photographers! Join us for a photographic safari experience in our specialised photography vehicles. The vehicles have drop-down sides for photographers to capture low, eye-level photographs. Beanbags, foam camera rests, power points, fridges and 360º swivel seats promise to make your wildlife photography experience a dream! (at an additional cost)

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Encounter Mara

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