The Turbine Boutique Hotel & Spa
Turbine Boutique Hotel and Spa social media reel
Turbine Boutique Hotel and Spa social media reel, please credit the hotel, videographer, and journalist when using the content.
Turbine Boutique Hotel and Spa social media reel
Turbine Boutique Hotel and Spa social media reel, please credit the hotel, videographer, and journalist when using the content. @jaredincpt
Turbine Boutique Hotel and Spa social media reel
Turbine Boutique Hotel and Spa social media reel, please credit the hotel, videographer, and journalist when using the content. @jaredincpt
Turbine Boutique Hotel and Spa social media reel
Turbine Boutique Hotel and Spa social media reel, please credit the hotel, videographer, and journalist when using the content. @jaredincpt
Turbine Boutique Hotel and Spa social media reel
Turbine Boutique Hotel and Spa social media reel, please credit the hotel, videographer, and journalist when using the content. @jaredincpt
Turbine Boutique Hotel and Spa social media reel
Turbine Boutique Hotel and Spa social media reel, please credit the hotel, videographer, and journalist when using the content. @jaredincpt
Turbine Boutique Hotel and Spa social media reel
Turbine Boutique Hotel and Spa social media reel, please credit the hotel, videographer, and journalist when using the content. @jaredincpt
Turbine Boutique Hotel and Spa social media reel
Turbine Boutique Hotel and Spa social media reel, please credit the hotel, videographer, and journalist when using the content. @jaredincpt


Turbine Boutique Hotel
Turbine Hotel and Spa ligger på Thesen Island i Knysna, Sydafrika, og udstråler legende, finurlighed og enestående unikhed. Dette ekstraordinære boutique-hotel, der tidligere var et kraftværk, har gennemgået en omhyggelig transformation og blander problemfrit det gamle maskineri i det luksuriøse og energieffektive design. Med sin førsteklasses beliggenhed langs den prestigefyldte Garden Route står Turbine Hotel som et vidnesbyrd om Knysnas arv og engagement i miljømæssig bæredygtighed takket være dens innovative genanvendelses- og energibesparende praksis.