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Le Mirage Resort & Spa

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Vælg venligst et startsted
Turn into the C19, after 61 km turn into the C27 to Sesriem, Sossusvlei.

At the entrance of the Sossusvlei turn left and follow the C27 for approx. 20 km. and le Mirage is on the right side of the road.

Follow the C19 towards Solitair. After 122 km turn left into the D845.

After 14 km folow the C27 direction Sesriem for approx. 15 km.

Le Mirage is on the left.

Vælg venligst et startsted
Turn into the C19, after 61 km turn into the C27 to Sesriem, Sossusvlei.

At the entrance of the Sossusvlei turn left and follow the C27 for approx. 20 km. and le Mirage is on the right side of the road.

Follow the C19 towards Solitair. After 122 km turn left into the D845.

After 14 km folow the C27 direction Sesriem for approx. 15 km.

Le Mirage is on the left.

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Le Mirage Resort & Spa

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