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Chitwa Chitwa Private Game Lodge

Cultural Excursion

Dixie is a small village situated close to the Gowrie Gate entrance of the Sabi Sand. Through our close associations with our neighbours and our love of the area in general, we have cultivated a unique partnership with the Dixie community in order to contribute to their general upliftment. The Cultural Village Excursion, headed by professional field guide Chris Sebuye affords the opportunity to slip unnoticed into a day in the life of the locals whilst tapping into the optimism and energy that is so much part of this little village’s charm. The transfer will be in a Chitwa Chitwa open vehicle and will take about two hours from the time of departure from the lodge.

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Pizza truck stop

This is unique and made at the lodge by the owners, truly one of a kind.

Safari stops of the ultimate luxury... with pizza of course!

The first in the Sabi Sand Game reserve!

Welcome to the Chitwa Pizza stop made in our Pizza Truck's oven.

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Chitwa Chitwa Private Game Lodge

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