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Ngare Serian

Ngare Serian - Our Dining Table

Roisin & Adrian, our wondrous Mara managers, make for a fabulous foodie duo. Adrian, whose choice de-stress activity was mowing his lawn, decided to stretch his repertoire to an organic garden. Sourcing manure from local Masai, and rigging up beehives to dissuade peckish elephants, his herbs, fruit, veggies and honey began to thrive in the lush Mara climate. Enter Roisin: culinary genius with a knack for all things fresh and tasty. The morning’s leafy bounty is transformed into lunchtime deliciousness with casual ease and flair. Aside enchanting tastebuds, Adrian’s garden dodges the environmental unfriendliness of importing, and spreads goodness into the community through employment, vitamins and income for manure. Power to the plants!
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Ngare Serian

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