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Morukuru Ocean House

Land based whale watching

The Southern Right whale has made the De Hoop Reserve in South Africa one of the world’s best land based whale-watching areas. This marine protected area is a World Heritage Site and one of the world’s most important nurseries for this endangered mammal. During the winter months (July to November), Southern Right whales come so close to the shoreline that our Ocean House guests can relax on the un-spoilt sand dunes or from our amazing viewing deck and watch in awe as these beautiful creatures calve, blow, breach and belly-flop. Our Morukuru Ocean House guide will guide you to the best viewing points and share all his expertise and knowledge on these remarkable creatures with you.

Fynbos walks and drives

Get the De Hoop Feeling, whilst driving in your private safari vehicle, with the wind in your hair and the amazing beauty of ocean, the beach and the delicate fynbos. Discover all the flowers and pristine wilderness. Our Morukuru Private Guide will guide you and your family/friends through a informative fynbos safari experience.

Guided Marine Hikes and Bikes

Either Walking or biking within the De Hoop reserve will give you the feeling of being embraced by endless peace and beauty. Wild Fynbos gardens, walking through the pristine while sand dunes with the view and the sound of the Ocean will make you feel refreshed. Among you more than 1500 plants species in the area, bontebok, eland, cape mountain zebra, baboons, red hartebeest ostrich and of course the cape leopard. All tours are under the experienced eye of your Morukuru Guide. We welcome children of all ages at Ocean House.

Star Gazing

The day has come to an end, the silence and the wonderful horizon will embrace you. When it gets darker you will start noticing the soft little twinkling in the sky.....another heaven on earth will appear. Slowly watch the sky turning into a playground of lights.

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Morukuru Ocean House

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