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Three Tree Hill Lodge

At Three Tree Hill, guests are captivated by its unpretentious approach to luxury, offering a refreshing farm-style experience while staying true to its sustainability ethos. Nestled in the foothills of the KwaZulu-Natal Drakensberg mountains, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, this owner-hosted lodge provides an authentic and personalized stay. Guests can immerse themselves in a range of adventure activities in the surrounding area, or unwind with a 3000-book library and an underground wine cellar. Three Tree Hill places a strong emphasis on preserving the local Zulu culture and the historical legacy of the Anglo Boer War for future generations. The lodge’s commitment to sustainability extends to sourcing eco-friendly goods, and empowering and uplifting the local community. With free-range chickens, children, horses, and dogs roaming freely, the atmosphere is relaxed and natural, welcoming all guests to enjoy a truly unique experience.

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Three Tree Hill Lodge

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