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Canyon Roadhouse

Excursion into the Fish River Canyon Area

Experience the wild expanse of the Gondwana Canyon Park where the fences of ten farms were dismantled to recreate a Namibian Eden. Take a guided drive to the Fish River Canyon to be inspired by new perspectives. Celebrate sunrise amidst the quiver trees and sunset from a hillock, overlooking spectacular scenery. The Canyon lodges are comfortable havens to take a break from the road. Explore and discover the ancient wonderland, or simply luxuriate in the peace, lounging at the poolside, snoozing in the coolness of your chalet or sitting on the terrace dipping into a book.

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Morning Hike

This hike (about 6 km) takes you right into Gondwana Canyon Park. You are accompanied by a guide who will gladly share his knowledge about the fascinating desert landscape around the canyon. This tour does not include the Fish River Canyon. (Approx. 3 hours)

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Sunrise Walk

We drive you to a spot with a grand view. Watch the sunrise while enjoying coffee and tea. Then we walk back the short distance to the lodge. This tour does not include the Fish River Canyon. (Approx. 1 hour)

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Canyon Drive

Especially for guests who want a break from the wheel or those on a fly-in safari. You are taken to the two major lookout points along the Fish River Canyon. Our guide will tell you all about the canyon's fascinating geology. (Approx. 3 hours)

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Sundowner Drive in Gondwana Canyon Park

The 3 hour drive is the perfect opportunity for you to acquaint yourself with the geology, flora and fauna of the Gondwana Canyon Park. This tour does not include the Fish River Canyon. It starts at Canyon Lodge or Canyon Village. Approx. 3 hours

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Sundowner Walk

All guests are invited to wrap up the day with a short excursion to our very own ‘local’ mountain. Have a drink and watch the sun go down.

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Canyon Roadhouse

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