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Kariega Main Lodge

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Com arribar-hi

Seleccioneu una ubicació de sortida
Proceed on the N2 towards Grahamstown for about 110km.

Turn right before reaching Grahamstown onto the tarred road (R343) to Kenton-on-Sea.

Travel for a distance of 32km until you see Kariega Main Gate on your left.

You will be welcomed at the gate and directed to Main Lodge.

Com arribar-hi
Seleccioneu una ubicació de sortida
Proceed on the N2 towards Grahamstown for about 110km.

Turn right before reaching Grahamstown onto the tarred road (R343) to Kenton-on-Sea.

Travel for a distance of 32km until you see Kariega Main Gate on your left.

You will be welcomed at the gate and directed to Main Lodge.

Formulari de consulta

Kariega Main Lodge

*Camps obligatoris

Nom *
Cognom *
Correu electrònic *
Número de telèfon *
País de residència
Sortida aproximada
Núm. de dies
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