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Damara Mopane Lodge

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Com arribar-hi

Seleccioneu una ubicació de sortida
Take the B1 travelling towards Okahandja.

When driving through Okahandja continue to follow the B1 towards Otjiwarongo.

Stay on the B1 from Otjiwarongo to Outjo. Once passing through Outjo, turn left onto the C39 in the direction of Khorixas.

Continue on the C39 until you reach the turn off to Damara Mopane Lodge on your right hand side.

Com arribar-hi
Seleccioneu una ubicació de sortida
Take the B1 travelling towards Okahandja.

When driving through Okahandja continue to follow the B1 towards Otjiwarongo.

Stay on the B1 from Otjiwarongo to Outjo. Once passing through Outjo, turn left onto the C39 in the direction of Khorixas.

Continue on the C39 until you reach the turn off to Damara Mopane Lodge on your right hand side.

Formulari de consulta

Damara Mopane Lodge

*Camps obligatoris

Nom *
Cognom *
Correu electrònic *
Número de telèfon *
País de residència
Sortida aproximada
Núm. de dies
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