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Siringit Villa


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Com arribar-hi

Seleccioneu una ubicació de sortida
Take the Kilimanjaro Airport Rd until reaching the T-Junction which intersects the Arusha-Himo Rd/A23

Turn left onto Arusha - Himo Rd/A23 (direction Arusha)

Turn left at the Kilimanjaro Golf & Wildlife Estate signboard onto gravel road

Continue 6 kms until reaching the Kilimanjaro Golf & Wildlife Estate main entrance gate on your right hand side - marked by signboard

Conitnue straight along dirt road

At the first roundabout, continue straight along the dirt road

Take Siringit Rd on your left hand side

Arrive at Siringit Villa

Com arribar-hi
Seleccioneu una ubicació de sortida
Take the Kilimanjaro Airport Rd until reaching the T-Junction which intersects the Arusha-Himo Rd/A23

Turn left onto Arusha - Himo Rd/A23 (direction Arusha)

Turn left at the Kilimanjaro Golf & Wildlife Estate signboard onto gravel road

Continue 6 kms until reaching the Kilimanjaro Golf & Wildlife Estate main entrance gate on your right hand side - marked by signboard

Conitnue straight along dirt road

At the first roundabout, continue straight along the dirt road

Take Siringit Rd on your left hand side

Arrive at Siringit Villa

Formulari de consulta

Siringit Villa

*Camps obligatoris

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Cognom *
Correu electrònic *
Número de telèfon *
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Sortida aproximada
Núm. de dies
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