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Lalibela Kichaka Lodge

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Com arribar-hi

Seleccioneu una ubicació de sortida
Leave the airport turn left at the traffic circle.

Continue over the railway line and turn right at the traffic lights (Heugh Rd).

Continue straight to the last traffic lights at the bottom of the hill.

Turn left and follow the N2 towards Grahamstown for +- 100 km.

Turn left at the Kichaka sign.

Continue 3,5 km on the gravel road.

You will arrive at the Kichaka Lodge gate on your left.

Proceed up the road to the reception area where you will be met by Kichaka Staff.

At the Kichaka gates turn right and travel back 3,5 km to the tarred road (N2)

Follow the N2 towards Port Elizabeth.

Take the Settlers highway off-ramp and continue straight, with the sea on your left, following the airport signs.

At the traffic lights, turn right going up the hill - the airport directions are clearly signposted from this point on.

Com arribar-hi
Seleccioneu una ubicació de sortida
Leave the airport turn left at the traffic circle.

Continue over the railway line and turn right at the traffic lights (Heugh Rd).

Continue straight to the last traffic lights at the bottom of the hill.

Turn left and follow the N2 towards Grahamstown for +- 100 km.

Turn left at the Kichaka sign.

Continue 3,5 km on the gravel road.

You will arrive at the Kichaka Lodge gate on your left.

Proceed up the road to the reception area where you will be met by Kichaka Staff.

At the Kichaka gates turn right and travel back 3,5 km to the tarred road (N2)

Follow the N2 towards Port Elizabeth.

Take the Settlers highway off-ramp and continue straight, with the sea on your left, following the airport signs.

At the traffic lights, turn right going up the hill - the airport directions are clearly signposted from this point on.

Formulari de consulta

Lalibela Kichaka Lodge

*Camps obligatoris

Nom *
Cognom *
Correu electrònic *
Número de telèfon *
País de residència
Sortida aproximada
Núm. de dies
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