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Riverdene at Shamwari Private Game Reserve

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Com arribar-hi

Seleccioneu una ubicació de sortida
Take the N2 out of Port Elizabeth heading towards Grahamstown bypassing the R342 turn off.

Take the turn off towards Paterson on the R342 and travel 7 km up the gravel road.

Enter at the Welcome Lounge at the 2nd gate on your right.

Com arribar-hi
Seleccioneu una ubicació de sortida
Take the N2 out of Port Elizabeth heading towards Grahamstown bypassing the R342 turn off.

Take the turn off towards Paterson on the R342 and travel 7 km up the gravel road.

Enter at the Welcome Lounge at the 2nd gate on your right.

Formulari de consulta

Riverdene at Shamwari Private Game Reserve

*Camps obligatoris

Nom *
Cognom *
Correu electrònic *
Número de telèfon *
País de residència
Sortida aproximada
Núm. de dies
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