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Taleni Etosha Village

Morning Game Drive

Etosha Village està equipat amb dos vehicles de visió oberta que ocupen un màxim de 10 passatgers per vehicle.

Les unitats matinals al Parc Nacional d'Etosha comencen a aproximadament 06H30, depenent dels horaris d'obertura de la porta que varien durant els canvis estacionals. Aquests viatges tenen una durada aproximada de 6 hores i segueixen una ruta per la Porta d'Andersson fins a Okaukuejo i més endavant a diversos forats d'aigua en una ruta circular de tornada a Okaukuejo.

Els nostres guies experimentats que condueixen aquests vehicles tenen un ampli coneixement de la zona i els animals i donen un “comentari corrent” a mesura que avanci els viatges.

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Full Day Game Drive

Etosha Village està equipat amb dos vehicles de visió oberta que ocupen un màxim de 10 passatgers per vehicle.

Les excursions d'un dia complet al Parc Nacional d'Etosha comencen a aproximadament 06H30, depenent dels horaris d'obertura de la porta que varien durant els canvis estacionals. Aquests viatges segueixen una ruta per la Porta d'Andersson fins a Okaukuejo i més endavant a diversos forats d'aigua en una àmplia ruta circular de tornada a Okaukuejo.

Els paquets de dinar es poden demanar a la recepció o els clients poden tenir una parada de dinar opcional en un dels restcampaments del Parc per dinar (el dinar serà pel vostre compte).

Els nostres guies experimentats que condueixen aquests vehicles tenen un ampli coneixement de la zona i els animals i donen un “comentari corrent” a mesura que avanci els viatges.

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Sundowner Drive

Quina millor manera que acabar un emocionant dia de visió de joc a Etosha amb un relaxant Sundowner Drive.

Sortirem des de l'Etosha Village a última hora de la tarda en els nostres vehicles d'espectador de joc obert. Viuràs impressionants vistes dels boscos de Mopanie amb parades fotogràfiques puntuals on els nostres guies coneixedors expliquen la fauna i la flora.

Per a la posta de sol anem més amunt fins a la muntanya per veure una espectacular posta de sol mentre gaudim de begudes i aperitius.

Si el temps ho permet.

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Stargazing at Etosha Village

Veure el nostre cel del sud i diverses constel·lacions. Aprecieu els espectaculars cels estrellats d'estrelles de Namíbia! Fes un viatge pel cel amb nosaltres mentre et presentem les constel·lacions bàsiques, la Via Làctia i una ullada a través del nostre telescopi als planetes.

Temps dependent i estacional (només disponible quan les constel·lacions són visibles - aproximadament de maig a octubre)

Consulteu al Centre d'Aventura per a la disponibilitat.

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Sunrise Walk at Etosha Village

El nostre passeig natural de la sortida del sol es porta a terme al llarg d'un bell camí sinuós a través de l'exuberant bosc de Mopane.

La nostra guia coneixedora se centrarà en les pistes, les espècies d'arbres indígenes i la fauna local. Passarem un temps al nostre amagatall on la natura t'envoltarà completament.

Si el temps ho permet.

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Boma Dinner at Etohsa Village

Deixeu que el nostre equip d'Etosha Village us deixi anar a un lloc encantat al bosc de Mopane per a un espectacular sopar Bush.

Prengui refrescant Sundowner Drinks mentre mira el sol es posa sobre el Parc Nacional d'Etosha i després de la foscor seure a una veritable Bush Cuisine Experience.

Els nostres cuiners ben entrenats us amenitzaran les papil·les gustatives amb el nostre autèntic menú de cuina Bush preparat a la perfecció en focs oberts.

El nostre Bush Boma disposa de les següents instal·lacions: Taula i Cadira Set Up, Buffet, Bush Bar, Instal·lacions de bany, Deck Gazing Star.

Inclou: Sopar Buffet i bar Bush

Temps dependent i estacional (aproximadament de maig a octubre)

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Etosha Village Restaurant

At a typical Namibian Rural Village families are divided into three areas when dining. Traditionally one area is dedicated to men, one to women and the other for the elderly and children. When Etosha Village was designed, we remained true to this tradition and created three different dining areas at our restaurant, but of course not split into gender groups.

Etosha Village is well known for inspiring cuisine and many guests have claimed that it is the best buffet dinner experience in Namibia! You can start your day with a scrumptious buffet breakfast with an extensive selection of all the favourite delectable breakfast foods and treats.

Lunch is served a' la carte with loads of mouth-watering dishes to choose from.

The popular buffet dinner will leave you spoiled for choice between the salads, side dishes, grilled meats and stir-fries - all prepared fresh and in front of every guest! For the perfect ending there is a range of decadent dessert sensations as well as a variety of cheeses and biscuits.

At the buffet area there is a 24 hour coffee station with a variety of coffees and teas to enjoy at any time!

Enticing lunch packs can also be ordered the evening before at reception to take along on self-drives or guided excursions to Etosha National Park.

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Etosha Village Bar Area

The unique open-plan bar at Etosha Village is replicating the round shape of typical African-style huts usually found in traditional villages. The bar area feature a cosy fire pit to create a welcoming atmosphere and a big screen television for viewing nature programs and sporting events whilst enjoying your refreshments.

We stock a wide selection of beverages as well as an impressive collection of the best South African wines.

Be sure to taste our famous house wine, the Spotty Cellar Collection, and be entertained by the story of our very own resident zebra, Spotty.

The Bar is always open during service hours.

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Etosha Village Reception

You are welcomed at Etosha Village by our friendly reception staff.

Once you have had the opportunity to explore our establishment you will understand where the concept 'Village' originates from! The design is based on a typical Namibian traditional 'Rural Village' as you would find in the northern countryside – the outlay of Etosha Village was planned accordingly.

The Reception, Cuca Shop and Adventure Centre are all round structures or 'Rondawels' - in the rural villages it is a symbol of being 'open and friendly' – everyone is welcome!

At Reception we have Internet facilities and a chess set should guests wish to use it.

There is a 24 hour coffee station available at our buffet area with a variety of coffees and teas to enjoy at any time!

Pool towels are available at reception to use at the swimming pools.

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Etosha Village Pool Area

The large garden and pool area create a relaxing environment at Etosha Village. A refreshing dip in the large 4 x 10m pool will go a long way after a hot day of sightseeing in the park. A medium rounded pool is ideally situated for parents to cool off while they can keep a close eye on their children in the adjacent kiddie pool. There are quite a few spots around the pool area with comfortable sunbeds to relax with a good book or to enjoy a few cocktails and beverages.

Pool towels are available at reception. Reading material and sunblock are available to purchase from the Cuca Shop.

The pool is only available to paying guests and is used at one's own risk. Children must be under the supervision of a responsible adult at all times.

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Etosha Village Cuca Shop

Next to the reception area there is another African style hut (rondavel) hosting the 'one stop Cuca shop'. The term "Cuca Shop" originated from the local languages for a shop that sells everything.

The Etosha Village Cuca shop stocks a little bit of everything and also have cooldrinks, ice-cream, reading materials, curios, cell phone airtime and much more!

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Game Drives

Etosha Village is equipped with two open-view game viewing vehicles that take a maximum of 10 passengers per vehicle. Guests can choose to go on a morning drive or a full day excursion to Etosha National Park.

Morning drives to Etosha National Park commence at approximately 06H30, depending on gate opening times which vary during seasonal changes. These trips last for approximately 6 hours and follow a route through the Andersson Gate to Okaukuejo and further on to various waterholes in a circular route back to Okaukuejo. There is also a stop-over at "Olifant's Bad" where guests are treated to light refreshments prepared by our gourmet kitchen and have the opportunity to 'stretch their legs' before continuing back to Okaukuejo where (weather permitting) they can spend a while watching the animals at the water hole.

Should vehicles be available, full-day trips to Etosha National Park can also be arranged.

Our experienced guides driving these vehicles have extensive knowledge of the area and animals and give a "running commentary" as the trips proceed.

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Boma Dinner

Let our Team at Etosha Village whisk you away to an enchanted venue in the Mopane Forest for a spectacular Bush Dinner.

Sip refreshing Sundowner Drinks while watching the sun set over the Etosha National Park and after dark sit down to a real Bush Cuisine Experience.

Our well trained Chefs will tantalize your taste buds with our authentic Bush Cuisine Menu prepared to perfection on open fires.

End your amazing evening by joining our Team for a spectacular Star Gazing Session on a raised mopanie deck and peek through our Telescope to discover the magic that our famous star studded skies have on offer.

Our Bush Boma has the following facilities: Table and Chair Set Up, Buffet, Bush Bar, Bathroom Facilities, Star Gazing Deck.

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Sundowner Drive

What better way than to end an exciting day of game-viewing in Etosha with a relaxing Sundowner Drive.

We depart from the Etosha Village in the late afternoon in our open game viewer vehicles. You will experience breath-taking views of the Mopanie forests with occasional photo stops where our knowledgeable guides explain the fauna and flora.

For sunset we go higher up to the mountains to watch a spectacular sunset while enjoying sundowner drinks and snacks.

Weather Permitting.

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Taleni Etosha Village

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