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Rhino Ridge Safari Lodge

Game Drives

Dues vegades unitats de joc diàries es duen a terme per explorar els magnífics turons i valls del Hluhluwe ImFolozi Park. Res no és previsible a l'arbust; per tant, cada safari ofereix una experiència potencialment nova i única. Els nostres guies compartiran la seva gran experiència d'arbust que implica la identificació d'animals, arbres, herbes, insectes i aus. Els usos medicinals de les plantes i la tradició popular local també es discuteix, així com a la recerca de la sempre fascinant Big 5!

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Game Walks

Els clients poden gaudir de passejades guiades amb una durada de 3-4 hores dins del parc, al territori Big 5. No hi ha menors de 14 anys. Cost addicional.

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Gaudiu d'un tractament de spa relaxant - suplement.

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Community Tour

S'ofereixen visites a la comunitat local de Mpembeni, així com una visita al centre comunitari de la Fundació Isibindi.

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Game Drives

Rhino Ridge Safari Lodge is the only private lodge situated inside the Hluhluwe iMfolozi Park so all our game drives start from the lodge. Rhino Ridge Safari Lodge offers both early morning and afternoon/evening game drives. Game drive safaris are conducted in specially adapted open game viewing vehicles, with professional guides (maximum 9 people per vehicle). To preserve our wilderness no off-road driving is practiced. In addition to driving on our private concession within the Hluhluwe iMfolozi Park we also have unlimited access to the greater Hluhluwe iMfolozi Park where you have the opportunity to spot the Big 5. Our guides meet the stringent requirements of Ezemvelo Parks Authority and senior guides hold the highest guiding qualifications possible in South Africa, to ensure that your encounters with the African bush are exciting, informative and safe.

Early morning tea/coffee, rusks & fruit are served on the deck before setting off on your morning drive. Another refreshment stop is made during the morning drive after which you return to the lodge to enjoy a scrumptious breakfast.

High tea is served in the early afternoon after which guests can enjoy an afternoon game drive with a sundowner break before driving into the early evening looking for nocturnal creatures. On arrival at the lodge guests are given the opportunity to freshen up before enjoying a delicious dinner on the deck.

Whilst children of all ages are welcomed at the lodge, families with children under the age of 6 years cannot accompany other guests on game drives. They may either book a private game drive vehicle for their exclusive use or request a baby sitter for the duration of the game drive which we will gladly arrange.

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Guests wanting to indulge themselves can make use of our beautiful spa facilities. A full range of spa and beauty therapies are offered by a team of dedicated professionals.

Rejuvenate the mind, body and soul while relaxing in tranquil surroundings offering spectacular views over the park. Relax to the sounds of the wild and soak in the essence of Africa.

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Formulari de consulta

Rhino Ridge Safari Lodge

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