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Hyena Pan

Game Drives

Aquesta és una activitat que crida safari. Hop en els nostres còmodes vehicles de visualització de jocs per a un matí i tarda/vespre joc drive. El vostre guia de safari té tota l'expertesa i coneixements per trobar-vos alguns dels secrets més ben guardats i la vida salvatge més estimada de la zona.

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Walking Safari (seasonal activity)

Agafa les teves sabates de passeig més còmodes i experimenta un passeig guiat pel matoll amb el teu guia de safari de confiança. Trobareu tants albiraments màgics, des dels criatures més petits, fins a bells arbres i ocells. Aprèn a fer el seguiment de l'espoli i identificar les diferents gramínies i altres interessants fauna i flora que conformen aquest bonic ecosistema.

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Underground Hide

Una visita als nostres amagatalls de visualització subterrània (en tenim dos), és sens dubte una visita obligada i un punt culminant per a la majoria dels hostes. Experimenta trobades íntimes d'ull a ull amb una varietat salvatge de visitants assedegats mentre estan en una estructura segura. Cada amagatall enfonsat està construït en un bulliciós forat d'aigua, amb còmodes cadires de visualització de jocs sobre les quals posar-se i gaudir de la vista.

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Scenic Helicopter Flights (additional cost)

Gaudeix d'un vol escènic en helicòpter sobre el delta d'Okavango. Aquesta és una oportunitat increïble per apreciar la immensitat del Delta en veure'l des de dalt. Des del seu seient, porta fora (o encesa), podràs veure joc, fer fotos excepcionals i seguir les vies fluvials i els camins animals que donen forma a aquest antic desert.

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What's on offer

Hyena Pan's flexibility affords guests the opportunity to choose how they would like to spend their day. Guests have a range of activities to choose from, and may have the privilege of spotting one of the many predators in the area such as leopard, wild dog, lion and spotted hyena. Various other species frequent the area - kudu, waterbuck, red lechwe, eland, impala, roan, buffalo, warthog and many more. One can enjoy a morning or afternoon game drive in an open 4x4 game drive vehicle exploring the 350,000 hectare private concession which allows for excellent game-viewing exclusively to Hyena Pan guests. Alternatively take an easy drive along the renowned Khwai River, where there is perhaps an opportunity to photograph one of the many graceful leopards who are habituated to the area.

Hyena Pan boasts a ground level hide, hidden view point, positioned facing an extremely private and special waterhole within our private concession area. Spectacular photographic opportunities from ground level are there for the patient, absolute quiet and absolute privacy - a very unique experience awaits at this amazing venue. Elephant frequent this water source, as do Kudu and Roan Antelope. Giraffe and Warthog are regular visitors, whilst Buffalo and Eland are more special visitors. An afternoon spent in this tranquillity is a rare treat.

Elevation options are also available; take an afternoon or a morning ‘atop’ one of our 5 meter high elevated platforms. View the regular visitors of elephant and antelope from one of these elevated platforms; a pack tea taken along makes the experience complete. Although for the slightly more adventurous, a night out sleeping under the Milky Way in all its glory, with mosquito nets and the full African sky is an added option. Each deck comes with twin beds and ablution facilities.

A special feature of this private concession is the ability to walk; relaxed and informative game walks are an option to Hyena Pan guests. Exhilarating emotions surge through the walker as the opportunity to walk up, within a safe distance, of animals and birds who call Hyena Pan home, becomes a reality.

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Hyena Pan

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