Travel Guidance

Malaria Area

You have in South Africa the unique opportunity to see animals in their natural habitat and not experience discomfort and anxiety about catching malaria. We recommend this kind of safari for those who are traveling with children, the elderly, pregnant women, and anyone who does not want to take anti-malarial drugs for one reason or another. In South Africa, there are four areas that can offer a safari for you and your family in a completely safe malaria-free area. These regions include the Garden Route, Eastern Province of South Africa, the Kalahari Desert and the Waterberg region of South Africa’s Northern Province. Kruger Park is also relatively safe in the months of July and August when the temperatures can drop to zero degrees at night.

With respect to the neighboring countries, malaria is present in the following areas:

Mozambique and Zambia have high malaria transmission throughout the country. Mozambique would be especially considered a high transmission area for malaria at this time of the year. The majority of malaria cases treated in South Africa have a history of travel to Mozambique so preventative measures should include both preventions of mosquito bites and preventative medication.

Zimbabwe, including the Victoria Falls, is a high transmission area except for Bulawayo, Harare and Gweru and their immediate surrounds.

Malawi and the area around Lake Malawi are high transmission areas.

Botswana has transmission in the central and northwest districts including the Chobe National Park and the Okavango Delta but there is no malaria transmission in any of the major cities in Botswana.

In Namibia, malaria is present in the regions of Kavango (East and West), Kunene, Ohangwena, Omusati, Oshana, Oshikoto, Otjozondjupa, and Zambezi and there is no malaria transmission in Windhoek.

Malaria control in Swaziland has resulted in a major decrease in local cases and there are very limited foci of malaria transmission in the Lowveld area in the east of the country bordering Mozambique.


Located in southwestern Africa, Namibia boasts a well-developed infrastructure, some of the best tourist facilities in Africa, and an impressive list of breathtaking natural wonders. Visitors can explore the capital of Windhoek and discover the lovely coastal town of Swakopmund boasting remnants of the country’s German influence, reflected in the architecture, culture, cuisine and the annual Oktoberfest celebrations. To properly appreciate this extraordinary country, you will have to venture out of the cities to explore the remarkable natural landscapes Namibia has to offer. These include: the impressive Fish River Canyon; the vast Etosha National Park teeming with abundant wildlife, such as lions, desert-adapted elephants and the Hartmann's Mountain Zebra; the hauntingly beautiful Kalahari Desert; and of course the Namib Desert stretching for over 2000 km along the magnificent Atlantic Coast. Namibia is an ideal destination for travellers seeking an unforgettable African experience in a uniquely beautiful untamed wilderness.

Banking and Currency

Local currency: Namibian Dollar 
Symbol: N$ 
ISO code: NAD 
Subunit: Cent (1/100 of a Dollar) 
Banknotes: 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 NAD 
Coins: 5, 10, 50 cents, 1, 5, 10 NAD 

Card Transactions: Widely accepted 
ATMs: Yes 
Mastercard: Yes 
Visa: Yes 
American Express: Yes 
Diner’s Club: Yes 
Banking Hours: Weekdays: 08:30 – 15:30, Saturdays: 08:30 – 11:00 
Public Holidays: No 
Foreign exchange services: Yes 

Travel, Transport and Getting Around

Main airlines: Air Namibia 
International Airports: Hosea Kutako International Airport 
Domestic Airports: Eros Airport 

Driving on the: Left 
Tar roads: Yes 
Gravel roads: Yes 
Valid International Driver's License needed: Yes 
Car hire available: Yes 
Taxis: Yes 
E-hailing services: Yes 

Inter-city bus services: Yes 
Local city bus networks: Yes 

Railway system: Yes 
Subway System: No 

Ferries: No 
Water taxis: No 
Leisure cruises: Yes

Food, Drink and Cuisine Advice

Food and water safety: 
Can you drink the tap water: Yes 
Fresh fruit and veg: Yes 
Ice: Yes 
Meat: Yes 
Street food: Yes 

Local cuisine: 
Namibian cuisine features a rich blend of German and South African influences, with a focus on grilled meats and fish. Dishes like Biltong (dried, spiced meat), Kapana (grilled meat from street vendors), and Potjiekos (slow-cooked meat and vegetable stew) are popular. Seafood is also abundant along the coast. 

Popular local drinks include Windhoek Lager and Tafel Lager, locally brewed beers. 

Tipping is customary, usually around 10-15% in restaurants. 

Climate and Weather

Annual rainfall: Varies from under 50 mm in the desert to over 700 mm in the Caprivi Strip 
Average temperature: 20°C 

Average highs: 30°C 
Average lows: 15°C 

Average highs: 20°C 
Average lows: 5°C 

Best time to visit: 
The best time to visit Namibia is during the cooler dry months from May to October when wildlife viewing is at its best in parks like Etosha National Park. The weather is pleasant for exploring the desert landscapes and other outdoor activities. 

Clothing and Dress Recommendations

Spring and Summer 
Cool, light, breathable and comfortable: Yes 
Lightweight warm clothes: No 

Winter and Autumn 
Jerseys, cardigans, sweaters, jackets: Recommended 
Heavyweight clothing and boots: Yes 

Umbrella and raincoat: Yes 
Warm gloves, hat and scarf: No 
Swimming costume (bathing suit): Yes 
Hat, sunglasses, and sunblock: Yes 
Walking shoes: Yes 
Casual: Yes 
Smart-casual attire: Yes 


Internet Availability

Internet cafes: Yes 
Accommodation options: Yes 
Restaurants: Yes 
Cafes: Yes 
Shopping malls: Yes 
Public parks: No 
Libraries: Yes 

Electricity and Plug Standards

Plug Type: Type D, M, and G 
Voltage (V): 220 V 
Frequency (Hz): 50 Hz 

*Travel plug adapter and voltage converter might be necessary depending on your appliances. 

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