The Best of Argentina



Argentina is located in the southern extreme of South America. With a continental extension of 2,791,810 km2, (including South Atlantic Islands and part of Antarctica), Argentina is the second largest country in South America and the eighth in the world.

Including the Antarctic Sector, Argentina claims a total area of 3.761.274 km2. It is some 1425 Km across at its widest from east to west and stretches 3.800 Km from the north to the south.

 It is bound by Bolivia and Paraguay in the north, Brazil, Uruguay and the Atlantic Ocean on the east, and by the Atlantic Ocean and Chile on the west and south.

The name Argentina comes from the Latin term “argentum”, which means silver. The origin of this name goes back to the first voyages made by the Spanish conquerors to the Río de la Plata.

The survivors of the shipwrecked expedition mounted by Juan Díaz de Solís found indigenous people in the region who gave them silver objects as presents.

 The news about the legendary Sierra del Plata - a mountain rich in silver - reached Spain around 1524. As from this date, the Portuguese named the river of Solís, Río de la Plata (River of Silver).

Two years later the Spanish used the same name.

Ranging from balmy subtropical reaches in the north, to the frosty Antarctic shores of the Patagonian south, Argentina is one of the world’s most geographically diverse countries. Its kaleidoscope of landscapes offer myriad adventure and leisure opportunities, and this natural variety – coupled with its warm, animated locals, delectable carnivorous cuisine and fascinating history – make it a captivating and unforgettable travel destination. Whether you’re most likely to be spellbound by the spectacular torrents of Iguazu Falls, the sprawling ski slopes of Bariloche, the vibrant capital of Buenos Aires, or the age-old Inca city of Humahuaca, Argentina has something to delight and mesmerise even the most seasoned explorer.


Entry Requirements

Entry Requirements


A passport (valid for at least 6 months) is required for all foreign visitors to Argentina.

For citizens of the United States, Canada, the European Union, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa no visa is required for tourist stays of up to 90 days.


Custom Restrictions


Travelers entering Argentina can bring personal effects such as clothes and jewellery, as well as professional equipment such as cameras and computers, without paying duty. In addition, they can bring in 2 litres of alcohol, 400 cigarettes, and 50 cigars duty-free.


Iguazú Falls


Please bear in mind you will require an additional visa if planning to combine a visit to the Brazilian side of Iguazu Falls with the Argentina side. Please consult your nearest Brazilian embassy for details well in advance of your trip to Argentina, since applying for visas on the spot can be a somewhat complicated.


IMPORTANT: This information was accurate when it was published, but can change without notice. All travellers should refer to their closest Argentine Embassy (or check the website) well in advance of their date of travel to check which visas are required, as current requirements may be subject to change at any time.


Banking and Currency




Peso (ARS; symbol AR$) = 100 centavos. Peso notes are in denominations of AR$1000, 500, 200, 100, 50, 20, 10, 5 and 2. Coins are in denominations of AR$5, 2 and 1, and in 50, 25, 10, 5 and 1 centavos.

US Dollars are accepted in some hotels and tourist centres. Prices in US Dollars are typically marked with US$ to avoid confusion, but sometimes both peso and dollar prices are both preceded by just $, so check if unsure.




Banking hours: Mon-Fri 10h00-15h00.

Most major credit cards are accepted, but not as widely as in the US or Europe; even some major hotels do not have credit card facilities.

ATMs are available in most cities and have options in English, but it is still best to carry alternative forms of payment as daily withdrawal limits are low and machines don't always work. During national holidays ATMs can run out so it is wise to withdraw in advance.

Foreign tourists who are not resident in Argentina can no longer pay for tourism-related services (air tickets, bus travel, hotel rooms, all-inclusive tours etc) in Pesos. These services must be paid for with foreign credit and bank cards, money transfers (in foreign currencies) from abroad, in cash with foreign money (eg US Dollars) or with cheques from foreign accounts.

It is advised to bring traveller's cheques in US Dollars; these can be exchanged at banks, bureaux de change and some hotels. However, it is often difficult to exchange these in the smaller towns.


Withdrawing Cash


The easiest way to obtain local currency is by using ATMs. These cashpoint machines take international debit cards, Visa and MasterCard, and permit transactions up to US$250.00.


Travel, Transport and Getting Around

Argentina is huge, making air travel the most practical way to get around. However, airlines in Argentina operate a two-tier pricing structure, which means that foreign travellers pay twice, or even three times as much, as locals. Many flights are inconveniently (and expensively) routed through Buenos Aires, and delays are frequent. Aerolíneas Argentinas (AR) ( serves many domestic destinations from its key hubs in Buenos Aires, Cordoba and Bariloche.

The Visit Argentina Pass allows overseas visitors to buy reduced-fare coupons for flights within the country. These must be purchased in the visitor's country of origin and are not available once in Argentina.


Driving conditions


A 4x4 is recommended if venturing too far outside rural areas. When driving in cities keep windows closed and doors locked, especially when stopping at junctions. It is advisable that only confident drivers tackle Buenos Aires’ roads. Major roads are generally in good condition, although rural roads, composed of packed dirt, can become impassable after rain. The 'A' roads are the autopistas (motorways) and those labelled 'R' are rutas (roads) - tolls exist on all main roads.


Visitors aged 21 or over may hire a car in Argentina. Car hire is available in most towns and cities, and many international companies operate out of Buenos Aires and main tourist destinations. The maximum speed limit on motorways is 130kph (80mph), 80kph (50mph) on one-lane roads, while the speed limit in built-up areas varies (40-60kph/25-37mph). The wearing of seatbelts is compulsory. Although in theory an international driver's licence is required, in practice your driving licence from home is all that is needed, but must be carried with you while driving. Proof of vehicle ownership, proof of insurance and receipt for last tax payment must also be carried at all times whilst driving. Argentinians drive on the right side of the road. The Automóvil Club Argentino - ACA (tel: 0800 777 2894 in Argentina; offers breakdown cover and reciprocal benefits for members of motoring organisations in other countries.


In Buenos Aires the safest option is to telephone a radio taxi; a reputable company is Radio Taxi Pidalo (tel: (011) 4956 1200). Taxis are readily available and can be hailed from the side of the road but make sure the meter is used. It is advisable to use recommended remises (taxis) - which can only be booked by telephone and have fixed prices. Passengers should enquire beforehand.

Buenos Aires runs a cycle scheme. Register at for free, two-hour use of yellow city bikes.

Buenos Aires is the only Argentine city with an underground train service, known as the Subte ( The Subte has six lines and is generally clean, safe, fast and efficient. Access to the subway operates under the card called SUBE. You can buy the card at any point of sale and recharge it at the underground ticket offices.Overland urban trains also serve the capital city and its suburbs.


Trains and trolleybuses operate in Argentina's second city, Rosario.


Colectivos (local buses) operate on main thoroughfares in all large towns and cities. Taxis are readily available and can be hailed from the side of the road but make sure the meter is used. It is advisable to use recommended remises (taxis) - which can only be booked by telephone and have fixed prices. Passengers should enquire beforehand.


Several rail companies operate in Argentina, including Ferrobaires (tel: (011) 4304 0028;, serving destinations such as Mar del Plata and Bahia Blanca. Trenes del Litoral (tel: (011) 4554 8018; operates between Buenos Aires and Posadas, linking many little towns in the provinces of Entre Rios and Corrientes. El Tren a las Nubes (the Train to the Clouds) is running once again from Salta into the mountains in the north of the country, close to the Chilean border.


The Argempass: Gives travellers unlimited first-class train travel, for either 30, 60, or 90 days. Obtained only at railway booking offices.


Health and Medical Information

Health Recommendations 

The risks to one's health whilst travelling will vary between individuals, and many issues need to be taken into account, e.g. activities abroad, regions visited, length of stay and general health of the traveller. It is recommended that you consult with your GP some 6-8 weeks in advance of travel. This is also a good opportunity to discuss important travel health issues including safe food and water, accidents, sun exposure and insect bites.

We recommend that you take out travel insurance for your trip. If you do not have a preferred supplier yet, Global Rescue is a recognized industry leader and can be contacted by clicking here: .  Or by calling +1-617-459-4200, please inform Global Rescue that you heard of them through andBeyond.

General Recommendations

  • You should be up to date on routine vaccinations while travelling to any destination and Argentina is no exception. Consult with your GP some 6-8 weeks in advance of travel.
  • Measles occurs worldwide and is common in developing countries. The pre-travel consultation is a good opportunity to check that you are immune, either by previous immunisation or natural measles infection.
  • Tap water throughout the country is generally safe to drink, though visitors should exercise caution in rural areas and in the north, where we would recommend drinking bottled water only.
  • Raw fruit and vegetables may be safely consumed as long as they are properly washed.
  • An upset stomach is a fairly common occurrence when visiting a new country, resulting from changes in everyday microbes present in all food. Symptoms usually last for less than two days, during which time the best treatment being to drink plenty of liquids and eat simple foods.
  • Warm temperatures and dry air rapidly evaporate the body’s supplies of moisture. Short-term dehydration can cause various unpleasant symptoms including fever, headache and nausea. Again, drinking plenty of liquids is the key.
  • If you have any medical conditions or concerns, we recommend that you contact your GP prior to traveling.
  • Ensure you are fully insured for medical emergencies including repatriation.
  • All travellers should practice strict mosquito bite avoidance, at all times. While malaria is not a risk, and Dengue Fever very rare, mosquito bites are a nuisance best avoided.
  • Medical services in Buenos Aires are generally of very high quality. 

Altitude Sickness

Visitors to the Northwest of the country may experience altitude sickness, which can affect anyone at altitudes above 10,000 feet (3,000 meters).The symptoms of mountain sickness include headache, nausea and shortness of breath, and are very common but easy to solve. In most cases, rest and two aspirins will relieve the discomfort. Sensible precautionary measures include sticking to a schedule of mild activity, drinking plenty of non-alcoholic fluids (up to 5 litres a day), not smoking, avoiding sedatives (such as sleeping pills or tranquillizers), which tend to depress respiration and limited oxygen intake.

Safety Notices

Argentina is, in general terms, a safe country to visit, especially when out of the major cities. We would however recommend taking the usual precautions such as not displaying large amounts of money, and making use of the hotel safe for valuables wherever possible. Buenos Aires, as with all major cities in the world today, does have a criminal element, mostly pickpockets, who can target tourists, so we recommend not to carry large sums of cash, and to ask your hotel, or &Beyond representative where to go and where would not be recommended.


Food, Drink and Cuisine Advice

Tap water is generally considered safe in main cities and towns, especially in Buenos Aires, but otherwise bottled water is recommended. If bottled water is unavailable then boil water for over a minute before drinking.

Argentina serves up an exceptional standard of food, although choices can often be restricted to meat, pasta and pizza. Buenos Aires, however, offers a wide selection of culinary genres, with Japanese, Thai and Asian-fusion food becoming increasingly popular. Vegetarians may struggle to find extensive veggie options, but most restaurants do serve vegetables and salads. Outside Buenos Aires, however, vegetarians may be faced with quite limited choices.

Wherever you are in the country, meat is the name of the game here, and if you fancy broadening your carnivorous horizons, then there is a weird and wonderful array of meat treats to get stuck into. The traditional Argentine parrilla (grill) is the very heart and soul of Argentina's cuisine. Sample morcilla (blood sausage), chinchulines (intestines), or simply go for a slab of prime Argentine beef - all sizzled to perfection. Don’t forget to liberally douse your chosen meats in delicious chimichurri – a sauce made from finely chopped parsley and oregano, garlic, olive oil and vinegar. Those after an authentic and reliably delicious meat experience in Buenos Aires, try El Trapiche in Palermo, and Desnivel in San Telmo.

For breakfast, head to a traditional confitería (café) and sample a few medialunas (small, croissant-like pastries) and a strong café con leche. In cities, fashionable resto-bars (restaurant-bars) are taking hold, offering more contemporary takes on traditional Argentine cuisine, and all manner of lunch options. A strong Italian influence means quality ice cream is also popular, and in summertime Buenos Aires the many gelaterias (ice cream parlours) are certainly worth making use of. In the evening, Argentines dine late - 9pm is considered early – and the feasts are typically massive.

Argentina's wines have flooded the international market in recent years, and are famed for their quality and value. Try a light pinot noir from Patagonia or an inky and smooth Malbec, and don’t miss Argentina’s celebrated white, the aromatic Torrontés.


Climate and Weather

Except for a small tropical area in northern Argentina, the country lies in the temperate zone, characterized by cool, dry weather in the South and warmer, humid air in the centre. Accordingly, January and February are quite hot - often in the high 90s to more than 100°F (35°C-40°C) - while winter (approximately July-Oct) can be quite chilly.

Argentina's climate ranges from the great heat and extensive rains of the subtropical Chaco in the north, through to the pleasant climate of the central Pampas, and the sub-Antarctic cold of the Patagonian Sea in the south. The main central area is temperate, but can be very hot and humid during summer (December to February) and chilly in winter.

The most pleasant times to visit Buenos Aires are September-November and February- March. The city is best avoided in January, when the heat is at its most intense and many of its residents flee to the coast leaving behind a comparative ghost city. Exploring the wilds of Patagonia is best done in the late spring and summer months – between November and February – whilst the northern regions are at their most hospitable in the spring, autumn and winter. If heading to Argentina for a ski trip, hit the slopes during mid-June to October.


Clothing and Dress Recommendations


What to wear / What to pack


With such a diverse array of climates and activities, packing for a trip to Argentina can be challenging, especially when combining different regions. The following is a brief list of essentials.


  • Good walking shoes, suitable for urban explorations and more outdoors activities.
  • Sun protection; sun block, sunglasses, hat, lip balm with UV filter.
  • Layered clothing for temperature changes.
  • A lightweight waterproof jacket.
  • Camera and binoculars.
  • Small backpack.




  • Comfortable Shoes: There are several trails, to it´s good to bring comfortable shoes, and if possible closed-toe athletic, or some type of hiking shoes.
  • Sunscreen: Remember you will visit the north area of Argentina (south of Brazil), and during summer, the sun can be intense. Carry your sunscreen protector with you.
  • Hat: It’s also a good idea, to protect your head from the sun.
  • Insect Repellant: It’s important, as it’s subtropical jungle area, and there are some mosquitoes and insects in the area. Prevent biting with a repellant.
  • Clothing: Wear a bathing suit and/or light clothing that you won’t mind getting wet. Some people bring a raincoat or waterproof jacket. Depending of the weather and the season, a good idea would be to wear long sleeve and long pants as an additional protection against sunburn and mosquito bites.




Temperatures in Patagonia vary wildly, often within the same day. We recommend that you dress in layers, for maximum comfort. It is very important for your comfort to make sure to bring the following:


  • A good, warm and windproof jacket, preferably made of goretex or other “mountain” material, trekking pants, several warm sweaters, polar fleece, long sleeved t-shirts and thermal underwear.
  • Good strong walking or hiking boots and several pairs of comfortable walking socks are recommended, as well as gloves, a hat or earmuffs to protect your ears from the wind, sunblock and sunglasses as well as lip balm.
  • We also suggest you bring a swimsuit for use in the heated pool and spa. Some items will be available in the hotel shop, however it is best to be prepared as we are far from “civilization” and cannot guarantee to have all items in stock at the time of your visit.
  • Bring binoculars to watch the birds and animals and camera equipment to capture the local culture and landscapes.
  • A small day-pack is a good idea to carry some personal items during the excursions.
  • Please note that if you wish to participate in any of the more extreme mountain adventures you will need the appropriate clothing and equipment. Do let us know if you have any specific questions.
  • Dress code is neat casual for dinner and casual at all other times.


Lake District


Clothes and equipment will vary depending upon the season, but it is always a good idea to bring a bit extra:


  • Base layer/inner layer: inner and outer layer of socks, sweater or long-sleeved pullover
  • Intermediate/insulating layer: fleece or thermal jacket
  • Outer/protective layer: windbreaker or water-proof jacket/rain gear
  • hiking boots or trekking shoes, ideally water-resistant and with ankle support
  • thick long socks (for the volcano trip)
  • Gloves
  • Swimsuit: in case to enjoy hot tub, an experience in the river or Hot springs
  • Sunglasses with UV filter
  • Sunhat
  • Small/medium-sized backpack
  • jeans/durable long pants (for national park trekking and hiking the volcano)
  • swim suit (for rafting, canyoning, kayaking, and going to the beach)
  • sunscreen


Internet Availability



Internet in Argentina is normally fast and easily accessible. Complimentary Wi-Fi is widely available in cafés, bars, restaurants, and most other public places. While most hotels offer Wi-Fi free of charge, some smaller establishments may charge. Check before you connect.


Electricity and Plug Standards

The official standard for plugs and sockets (outlets) in Argentina is the "Type I" IRAM-2073 which is practically interchangeable with the standards in Australia and China. However, many non-grounded sockets in Argentina are the "Type C" Europlug type. If your appliance's plug doesn't match the shape of these sockets, you will need one or more travel plug adapters in order to plug in. Travel plug adapters simply change the shape of your appliance's plug to match whatever type of socket you need to plug into. If it is crucial to be able to plug in no matter what, bring an adapter for both types.

Electrical sockets (outlets) in Argentina usually supply electricity at between 220 and 240 volts AC. If you're plugging in an appliance that was built for 220-240 volt electrical input, or an appliance that is compatible with multiple voltages, then an adapter is all you need.

But travel plug adapters do not change the voltage, so the electricity coming through the adapter will still be the same 220-240 volts the socket is supplying. If your appliance is not compatible with 220-240 volts, you will need a voltage converter.


General Guidance



It is essential adequate travel insurance be taken out prior to departure. This should cover any medical situation including hospitalisation, as well as cancellation, curtailment of arrangements and baggage. When you travel with andBeyond, you are automatically covered by our emergency evacuation insurance. This guarantees emergency evacuation to the nearest hospital should you suffer either severe illness or injury. This does not cover the cost of treatment once in the hospital, and in no way replaces your normal travel insurance, and certain medical exclusions apply. Please advise us of any existing conditions in advance, in order to arrange cover, subject to our insurer’s approval. Contact us should you require further details. Emergency Number: +56 9 3205 2029

We recommend that you take out travel insurance for your trip. If you do not have a preferred supplier yet, Global Rescue is a recognized industry leader and can be contacted by clicking here:  Or by calling +1-617-459-4200, please inform Global Rescue that you heard of them through andBeyond.


Gratuity guidelines


Tips are not included in your programme for staff at hotels and restaurants, nor for your hosts and guides. The amount you decide to tip depends on the discretion of each individual.

At restaurants, it is customary to tip 10% of the bill at all restaurants. This amount will be calculated for you but it will be at your discretion if you wish to add it or not. You can also opt to settle your bill with credit card and leave the tip in cash.

It is also the custom to tip local guides and drivers. The below is a guideline.


  • Local Driver      USD 5 per person per day
  • Local Guide       USD 15 per person per day
  • Driver Guide     USD 15 per person per day


Taxi drivers do not expect to be tipped, but they appreciate the fare to be rounded off.

* For all-inclusive properties, tipping guidelines may vary from lodge to lodge, and specific information can be requested upon arrival at each location.


Measurement system


The decimal system is used throughout the country. This means that 1 metre is equal to 3.3 feet, 1 kilometre is equal to 0.62 miles, and 1 litre corresponds to 0.26 gallons. Temperature is measured in degrees Celsius, where 0°C is equal to 32°F, and 100°C is equal to 212°


Religion / Culture


Some 76% of the Argentinians declare themselves as Roman Catholic, but there exists a freedom of religious expression throughout the country.


Will I be able to use my mobile?


Yes. But beware. It’s best to bring your own unlocked tri- or quad-band GSM cell phone to Argentina, then buy an inexpensive SIM chip (you’ll get a local number) and credits (or carga virtual) as needed. Both SIM chips and credits can be bought at many kiosks or locutorios; look for ‘recarga facil’ or 'saldo virtual' signs. Many Argentines use this system with their cell phones, and you can buy SIM chips with data as well for Wi-Fi access. Phone unlocking services are available; ask around. If you plan to travel with an iPhone or other G3 smart phone, prepare yourself – you may need to purchase an international plan to avoid being hit with a huge bill for roaming costs. On the other hand, it is possible to call internationally for free or very cheap using a VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) system such as Skype. This is a constantly changing field, so do some research before you travel.


Calling An Argentine Land Line Number From Another Country


  1. Dial your international exit code.
  2. Dial the country code for Argentina (54).
  3. Dial the area code (without the zero) and number.

For example, if you are calling a Buenos Aires landline number from the United States, you’d dial: 011-54-11-xxxx-xxxx


Calling An Argentine Mobile Number From Another Country


  1. Dial your international exit code.
  2. Dial the country code for Argentina (54).
  3. Dial 9.
  4. Dial the area code (without the zero) and number, leaving out the 15 (which most Argentine cell phone numbers start with).

For example, if you are calling a Buenos Aires cell phone number from the United States, you’d dial: 011-54-9-11-xxxx-xxxx

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