
The first thing that springs to most people’s minds when thinking of Rwanda is its turbulent political history. But today’s Rwanda is a far cry from the nation it was in the mid-90s: the country has emerged from the shadows and has much to offer visitors, most notably the tracking of endangered mountain gorillas in the lush Virunga National Park, which extends across the peaks and jungle-covered slopes of the volcanic Virunga Mountains. Other major tourist attractions include expansive Lake Kivu, ancient Nyungwe Forest with its rich population of primate species, and the game-rich savannah lands of Akagera National Park.

Entry Requirements

It is the responsibility of the client to obtain their own visas.  

Most Passport holders require a visa to enter Rwanda. The visa fee is US$50.00 for a single tourist visa, payable in cash on arrival into Rwanda.

Please Note:

  1. Evidence of Yellow Fever immunization will be requested to gain entry if you are arriving from a Yellow Fever Country ie Kenya – please ensure you have had the inoculation at least 14 days prior to travel and are carrying your Yellow Fever card. 
  2. It is a requirement that you have a validity of 6 months on your passport at the time of travel and at least 4 blank pages in order to gain entry

Banking and Currency


Rwanda Franc (RWF) = 100 centimes. Notes are in denominations of RWF 5,000, 2,000, 1,000 and 500. Coins are in denominations of RWF100, 50, 20, 10 and 5.

The import and export of local currency is limited to RWF5000. The import and export of foreign currency is unlimited, but must be declared upon arrival and exchanged within 8 days.


Banking hours: Mon-Fri 0800-1200 and 1400-1700, Sat 0800-1200.

Credit cards are only accepted at a few hotels in Kigali. MasterCard and Visa are the preferred cards.

International Visa cards are accepted at the ATMs at Ecobank head office in Kigali and at Kigali airport. They can also be used at the ATMs at Access Bank head office in Kigali. However, these ATMs are often affected by power cuts. It is best to travel with US dollars, some banks won’t accept pound sterling.

It may be difficult to change traveller's cheques outside Kigali.


Travel, Transport and Getting Around

Akagera Aviation provides helicopter flights all over the country. Rwandair flies internally to the southeastern town of Cyangugu.

Baggage is limited to 33 lb / 15 kgs per person in soft sided bags including carry-on and camera equipment. PLEASE DO NOT USE HARD CASES. As laundry is offered in all the lodges there is no need for excess luggage.

There is a lot of work being done to improve the roads, and in some places you will find smooth tarmac, while in others you will be going along pot-holed dirt paths.A 4-wheel drive vehicle is needed for some local roads. There can be landslides on some of the major roads during annual rainfall in spring and autumn.Extra care should be taken at night, as headlight use is erratic. During rainy season some roads can become impassable.

There are no international car hire companies operating in Rwanda, but there are several local companies. You will find these listed in the Eye magazine given away at the airport and in hotels. 

Taxis can be found in large towns and cities. Look for the official orange stripe. Fares are reasonable, but should be agreed in advance (ask a local if you think you are being overcharged). Tipping is not expected.

Minibus taxis provide links to and from all towns and some villages. Although it is not common for foreigners to travel this way, they are quite safe and efficient. However you will have to wait until they are full before departure if you get on at the start of the route. The Virunga Express ( and Onatracom Express provide more direct intercity links.

Rwandans drive on the right. It is illegal to use a mobile phone while driving unless with a hands-free set. Seat belts must be worn in the front. It is advised not to drive after drinking, breathalisers are in use and if found to have more than 0.8 mg of alcohol per 1 litre of blood, you are likely to face imprisonment. Speed limits are 40km/per hour in the city and 60km outside the city. If the car in front is using the left indicator it often means it is not safe to overtake, the right indicator tells you the road ahead is clear.

An International Driving Permit is required. An entry permit is needed if you have travelled from outside the country, insurance document and driving licence.


Health and Medical Information

Medical requirements:

Please consult your General Practitioner or nearest Traveller’s Medical Centre for advice on medical issues relevant to your destination. For additional information please consult the website for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention -


Safety Notices


Quad-band cell phones on global roaming generally work from all major urban centres. They do not, however, work from many of the lodges due to limited reception.


Most lodges offer WI-FI however it may be limited and varies from lodge to lodge. Please refer to the lodge information for specific details.


We strongly recommend you review the current travel advice for your country/countries of destination before booking and ensure you remain up to date with this advice before travelling.





We recommend that you register your travel with your local authority. These services are free and help locate you in case of an emergency. Updates to travel advice are also provided through the subscription service.

Australia - Smart Traveller service -

USA - Smart Traveller service -

Food, Drink and Cuisine Advice


Food is generally safe to eat if well-cooked and hot. If in doubt, veer towards larger restaurants in cities and those aimed at tourists, which will have undergone government safety checks. Avoid buying food from the side of the road. Only eat well-cooked meat and fish, preferably served hot. Vegetables should be cooked and fruit peeled.

The majority of the population in Rwanda live off subsistence farming and so their meals rely heavily on starchy crops such as potato, maize and cassava. This is generally served with kidney beans and cabbage and where meat can be afforded it is most often goat. However, the restaurants of Kigali and other towns will generally serve grilled meat with french fries and sometimes rice with spicy stews.

Hotels generally serve a reasonable choice of European dishes, and there are Chinese, Greek, Indian, Italian and Middle Eastern restaurants. Some restaurants also serve Franco-Belgian cuisine and African dishes.

You will see brochettes on most menus, these are basically a skewer of your chosen meat or fish served with rice or chips. Other local specialities include: tilapia, a white fish found in Lake Kivu and also farmed locally and appears often on menus; Matoke, cooked plantain  (Banana), which may be served when you are expecting potatoes (and usually tastes a lot like potatoes!)

There is no clear principle on tipping in Rwanda, but most staff in the bigger hotels have come to expect it. A general rule is to tip 10% in restaurants if you feel inclined 


A fairly good selection of beers, spirits and wines is available. Beer is also brewed locally. Primus is the local beer of choice. Mutzig is very similar but more expensive and often comes in large 700ml bottles. 

In most lodges alcoholic beverages are included in the daily tariff.  Bottled water is always available. Many people inquire whether they can eat salads (as ingredients have been washed in water), brush their teeth with the tap water and have ice in their drinks. In the lodges, we use there are absolutely no concerns in this regard.   


Climate and Weather

Despite its proximity to the equator, due to the high altitude of most of the country, Rwanda has a temperate climate with temperatures seldom climbing above 25C.

The long dry season is from June to September and there are two annual rainy seasons, the first from mid-March until the beginning of June and small rains from mid-September to December.

The best time for gorilla and monkey tracking is the dry season - if only to spare you getting drenched (you can still see them in the rain, they just get a bit grumpy).

The dry season is also good if you want to see game in Akagera National Park because thirst will draw the animals to the watering holes. You will also find at this time the roads are less dangerous and the risk of malaria is lower.

The rainy season is the best time to see chimpanzees and is also the time when the place is at its most lush and green.

Clothing and Dress Recommendations

As a rule lightweight, light coloured cottons are preferable. Avoid synthetic materials and black clothing, as they increase perspiration and discomfort. Garments of neutral colours that blend with the bush and forest are advisable for safaris and game viewing particularly if walking.

Suggested packing list:

The following is a guide to clothing and personal items:

  • 2/3 pairs of long trousers or shorts, 3 shirts, preferably long sleeved and collared. Clothing should preferably be khaki or neutral colour’s.
  • At least four neat casual clothes for evening wear.  Long-sleeved shirt and trousers (and the female equivalent) are recommended for keeping mosquitoes at bay in the evenings
  • A light fleece for morning and evening game drives.
  • 3 pairs of socks (cotton)
  • A lightweight waterproof jacket (preferably GORETEX or the equivalent) in case of rain
  • Comfortable closed footwear plus a pair of runners/strapped sandals (in case your regular footwear gets wet).
  • 1 pair of flip flops/sandals for the afternoons and evening
  • A wide brimmed hat or cap
  • 2 Pairs of light pants/jeans
  • 2 T-shirts
  • Underwear (sports bras recommended)
  • Swimsuit
  • Fleece and Tracksuit pants for the morning and evening game drives
  • Belt
  • Scarf & beanie
  • A pair of gardening gloves for gorilla tracking. You will walk through some areas of stinging nettles hence wear gloves and long shirts and trousers.
  • Sunglasses and an extra pair of prescription glasses
  • Binoculars and Camera
  • Cash for curios and tips (smaller denomination notes for tipping)
  • Travel Insurance information kept on hand

Toiletries as appropriate - soaps, shampoos and body lotion are provided in the camps however some guests like to bring their own.

  • Plenty of max factor sunscreen
  • Lip balm with sunscreen
  • Moisturiser or Vaseline as the air is very dry
  • Shampoo, conditioner and liquid soap of your choice (smaller bottles recommended)
  • Deodorant
  • Toothpaste and toothbrush
  • Wash cloth
  • Gloves/Hand warmers (optional)
  • Razor and Tweezers
  • Hairbrush
  • Hand/body - face lotion
  • Small insect repellent (the camps do have these, but if you want your own)
  • Antihistamine cream and tablets
  • Paracetamol in case of a headache
  • Rehydrate salts
  • Hairbrush
  • Hand/body - face lotion
  • Small insect repellent (the camps do have these, but if you want your own)
  • Antihistamine cream and tablets
  • Paracetamol in case of a headache
  • Rehydrate salts

As a final comment a daily laundry service is provided in most camps (except smalls), and is included in the tariff, so there is no need to pack too much.


Internet Availability

Internet cafes: Yes 
Accommodation options: Yes, with good connectivity 
Restaurants: Yes, in major cities 
Cafes: Yes, in major cities 
Shopping malls: Yes, in major cities 
Public parks: Yes 
Libraries: Yes 

Electricity and Plug Standards

Electrical sockets (outlets) in Rwanda are one of the two European standard electrical socket types: The "Type C" Europlug and the "Type E" and "Type F" Schuko.

Type C plug is commonly known as the Europlug and is technically known as the CEE 7/16 (Europlug 2.5 A/250 V unearthed). Type F plug is also known as the “Schuko” plug in German. Type E is primarily used in France, Belgium, Poland, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Tunisia and Morocco.

Such adaptors are generally available at all major airports.

General Guidance


Epic highly recommends that clients obtain comprehensive Travel Insurance cover. Please furnish Epic with a copy of your insurance policy prior to travel.  

  • Hospitalisation and Repatriation
  • Cancellation and Missed flight connections
  • Loss of baggage and loss/breakage of valuables en route
  • Loss/breakage of valuables such as cameras


Digital cameras are the best for wildlife, with a good zoom up to 300mm or more. If you have an SLR it is a good idea to bring a point and shoot as back up. Remember to bring plenty of memory cards, spare batteries and battery chargers (Please check that you have all your chargers for cell phones, iPods, kindles, camera and video batteries).

Binoculars are very useful when looking at wildlife in the distance. We recommend 7 x 35mm or 8 x 32mm as these are a good size with great magnification. If size is an issue then 7 x 25mm or 8 x 25mm are compact and can be put into your pocket. Nikon & Canon are great options. Have a look at the following website for further ideas -


Although tipping is not compulsory, if service expectations are exceeded, we recommend the following:

  • Airport/Hotel/ Porters carriers – USD2.00 per porter
  • Professional Guides/Tour Leaders – USD20.00 per group per day
  • Safari Driver/Guides – USD15.00 per group per day. This should be handed to the guide personally
  • Gorilla & trekking guide(s) – USD50.00 per person per trek (usually they will be 2 guides and trackers the tip is shared amongst the team)
  • Porters on Gorilla trekking – USD20.00 per porter per day (optional)
  • General Camp Staff – USD10 .00 per guest per day. This can be placed in a communal tip box or handed to the camp manager.
  • Community excursions USD10.00 per guest, to be handed to the village leader for distribution

US dollars are generally the most widely accepted tipping currency.  It is best to have a range of denominations to enable tips to be broken out.

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