Travel Guidance

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque sit amet dolor libero. Fusce vitae pellentesque tellus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec commodo diam at lorem congue, et tincidunt eros hendrerit. Aliquam pretium ligula purus, ut iaculis leo semper molestie. Donec augue turpis, tincidunt quis sapien vel, auctor ultricies dui. Nam hendrerit id diam eu luctus. Cras a rhoncus dolor. Cras id lorem non lorem sagittis rutrum eu ac arcu. Nam sed arcu orci. Aliquam lacinia lectus ut nulla feugiat, eu hendrerit nibh vestibulum. In vehicula urna at lorem sollicitudin imperdiet. Nullam ullamcorper efficitur tortor, id ultricies dolor euismod ut. Donec tincidunt leo vitae sem aliquam, et laoreet libero suscipit. Suspendisse molestie placerat lectus, vitae ornare tellus commodo suscipit.

Integer efficitur aliquam leo quis feugiat. Nunc placerat justo vitae massa suscipit, sed maximus neque lobortis. Donec aliquet dui et augue malesuada, id suscipit elit accumsan. Nulla ut rutrum ex. Proin et metus ultricies ex pulvinar suscipit sed ut mauris. Sed congue, neque vitae tristique rhoncus, odio leo vulputate ante, at venenatis elit leo nec lectus. Nulla ac sagittis lectus, at gravida lacus. Vestibulum congue mi ac nulla cursus, sit amet posuere nunc scelerisque. Vivamus tortor orci, fermentum nec tristique sit amet, congue nec nisl.

Vestibulum pretium, turpis ac egestas auctor, dolor augue gravida justo, id cursus mauris neque a nulla. Pellentesque vehicula ornare nisl. Phasellus sit amet erat et sapien iaculis fringilla. Nullam nulla ex, imperdiet a faucibus vel, posuere nec metus. Fusce placerat sem non odio tempus pretium. Vestibulum ornare, purus eu eleifend pharetra, enim ipsum ultrices eros, eu feugiat velit nibh in lectus. Praesent ultrices auctor ligula. Aliquam ac mi eget enim faucibus consequat nec eget leo. Aenean vel lobortis erat. Aliquam accumsan risus nec ornare hendrerit. Cras diam nibh, porttitor et fermentum eget, fermentum at libero. Aenean accumsan, lectus non volutpat tincidunt, justo massa gravida ex, ac rutrum quam nulla quis tortor. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aenean placerat ornare ipsum feugiat gravida. Cras metus magna, mollis vel malesuada et, condimentum non metus.

Phasellus nulla orci, accumsan in accumsan id, hendrerit vel quam. Curabitur ullamcorper interdum nisi, tincidunt blandit odio convallis vitae. Praesent pellentesque viverra ullamcorper. Donec lacinia libero quis leo dapibus congue. Vestibulum volutpat leo vitae mi hendrerit, non feugiat justo mollis. Sed lacus erat, congue nec nisi vitae, interdum porta leo. Aliquam vulputate quis eros vitae placerat. Cras tellus lorem, pretium at lacinia vitae, cursus vitae mauris. Sed pretium porttitor accumsan. Pellentesque quis rhoncus leo, ut auctor justo. Integer luctus quam elit, ut dapibus turpis condimentum in. Mauris vel pretium lacus. Ut vel fermentum velit.


Resting in the magnificent Great Rift Valley and presided over by the majestic Mount Kilimanjaro, Kenya is characterised by hauntingly beautiful natural landscapes of forested hills, patchwork farms, wooded savanna and vast forests brimming with an extraordinary abundance of wildlife. The nation’s diverse range of traditional African cultures is influenced by over 70 unique ethnic groups from the Maasai, Samburu, Kikuyu, and Turkana tribes to the Arabs and Indians that settled on the coast. Add to this: an exquisite tropical coastline fringed with breathtaking golden sand beaches; gorgeous coral gardens providing excellent snorkeling and diving opportunities; and a slew of lively beach resorts, and it is easy to see why so many visitors flock here from around the world to experience a truly unique African adventure in one of the world’s most pristine safari destinations.

Banking and Currency

Local currency: Kenyan Shilling  
Symbol: KSh 
ISO code: KES
Central bank: Central Bank of Kenya
Subunit: Cent 
Banknotes: KSh1000, 500, 200, 100, 50 
Coins: KSh40, 20, 10, 5, 1 and 50, 10 cents(lesscommonly used)

Card Transactions:  
ATMs: Yes 
Mastercard: Yes 
Visa: Yes 
American Express: Sometimes 
Diner’s club: Sometimes 

Banking Hours:
Weekdays: 09h00 - 15h00
Weekends:Saturdays: 09h00 -12h00. Sundays: Closed. Check the specific hours of the bank branch you plan to visit, as operating hours can vary between branches and regions.
Public Holidays: No
Foreign exchange services: Yes


Travel, Transport and Getting Around

Main airlines: Kenya Airways, Airkenya Express, Fly540, JamboJet, African Express Airways, Mombasa Air Safari 
International Airports: Jomo Kenyatta International Airport, Moi International Airport, Kisumu International Airport, Eldoret International Airport 


Conditions vary greatly.
Tar roads: Yes
Gravel roads: Yes
Valid International Driver's License needed: No, unless your national licence is not in English. Third party insurance is needed.
Car hire available: Yes
Taxis: Yes
Uber available: Yes


Inter-city bus services: Some, but not generally safe.  
Local city bus networks: No 
Railway system: Yes 
Subway System: No
Ferries: Yes
Water taxis: Yes 
Leisure cruises: Yes 

Food, Drink and Cuisine Advice

Food and water safety:  
Can you drink the tap water: No
Fresh fruit and vegetables: No, unless thoroughly washed and peeled
Ice: No, unless made from bottled or purified water
Meat: Yes, but from reputable establishments
Street food: No, unless from a reputable source and freshly prepared

Local cuisine: Kenyan food is diverse, exhibiting the different tastes and flavours of its different tribes, as well as the spices of early Arab settlers and East Indian railway workers, and the fresh seafood straight from the Swahili coast. Top dishes include Kenyan Stew, made with meat and spices; Mutura, a rich, dark goat sausage; and Mandazi, a kind of donut flavoured with cardamom and sweet coconut milk.


Tusker Beer
Kenyan Coffee
Chai (Kenyan Tea)
Madafu (Fresh Coconut Water)
Maziwa Lala (Fermented Milk)

*In addition to these beverages, there are also a variety of everyday drinks available, such as fruit juices, sodas, and bottled water.

Tipping: 10%  

Climate and Weather

Annual rainfall: 680 mm 
Average temperature: 25°C - 29°C 
Summer: December-March
Average in highs: 26°C 
Average in lows: 16°C 
Winter: July-October
Average in highs: 21°C 
Average in lows: 12°C 

* Kenya, due to its equatorial location, does not experience traditional summer and winter seasons. Instead, it has periods that are cooler and drier. The climate is generally characterized by wet and dry seasons.

Best time to visit: Visiting between June and September, during the long dry season, will allow you to experience a milder climate and witness the Great Migration of wildebeest and zebra. The short dry season, from January to March, provides excellent opportunities for beach visits and outdoor activities. During the rainy seasons, you’ll find fewer tourists and stunning, lush landscapes. The long rainy season runs from March to May, and the short rainy season runs from October to December.

Clothing and Dress Recommendations

Spring and Summer 
Cool, light, breathable and comfortable: Yes 
Lightweight warm clothes: Yes 
Winter and Autumn
Jerseys, cardigans, sweaters, jackets: Yes 
Heavyweight clothing and boots: No 
Umbrella and raincoat: Yes, during the rainy seasons (March to May and October to December)
Warm gloves, hat and scarf: Yes, for early morning and evening game drives, especially in higher altitudes or cooler months (June to August).
Swimming costume (bathing suit): Yes 
Hat, sunglasses and sunblock: Yes 
Walking shoes: Yes 
Casual: Yes 
Smart-casual attire: Yes

Internet Availability

Internet cafes: Yes 
Accommodation options: Yes 
Restaurants: Yes 
Cafes: Yes 
Shopping malls: Yes 
Public parks: No 
Libraries: Yes, in cities. 

Electricity and Plug Standards

Plug Type: G 
Voltage (V): 240 
Frequency Hertz (Hz): 50 

*A Travel plug adapter and voltage converter might be necessary depending on your appliances. 

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