Travel Guidance

Important Information


* Please ensure you have checked the visa and inoculation requirements -

* For Visa information please check

Please check your passport validity – must be valid for a minimum of 6 months from the date of your return and have a minimum of 2 blank pages per country visiting.

African Pathfinder and Exclusive Africa Tours will not be liable for any losses incurred due to incorrect visa/health & travel documentation.


With its well-developed infrastructure, some of the best tourist facilities in Africa and an impressive list of breathtaking natural wonders, touring Namibia is truly a pleasure. Visit the capital of Windhoek and the lovely coastal town of Swakopmund to discover remnants of the country’s German influence, reflected in the architecture, culture, cuisine and the annual Oktoberfest celebrations. To properly appreciate this extraordinary country, you will have to venture out of the cities to explore the remarkable natural landscapes Namibia has to offer. These include: the impressive Fish River Canyon Park; the vast Etosha National Park teeming with local subspecies, such as desert lions, desert elephants and the Hartmann's Mountain Zebra; the hauntingly beautiful Kalahari Desert; and of course the Namib Desert stretching for nearly 1000 km along the magnificent Atlantic coastline. Namibia is an ideal destination for travellers seeking an unforgettable African experience in a uniquely beautiful untamed wilderness.

Entry Requirements

We recommend using the following portal for the latest entry requirements:

  • Visa is not required for Namibia. Maximum stay of 90 days.
  • Passengers not holding onward/return tickets or other acceptable evidence of onward/return travel may be refused entry.
  • All guests arriving and departing to/from Namibia need to register and create an account under the TT (Trusted Travel ) Platform ( )

Banking and Currency


Namibia uses the Namibian Dollar (N$) this is linked on a one to one exchange with the South African Rand. The Rand is legal tender in Namibia, but the N$ cannot be used in South Africa.

If you are wishing to purchase currency before arriving in Namibia, it is easiest to buy Rand as the Namibian Dollar is seldom available in banks outside of Namibia.


Banks are found in most towns, and are generally open from 09h00 to 15h30 on weekdays and 08h30 to 11h00 on Saturdays. Closed on Sundays and public holidays. Most of them offer foreign exchange services - with cash, bank and credit cards as well as travellers cheques.

You can also obtain cash from many of the ATMs. Several international banks have branches in main city centres. Always advise your bank that you are travelling outside of the country as they might block your purchases if they have not been informed.

Travel, Transport and Getting Around

Public transport in Namibia is geared towards the needs of the local populace, and is confined to main roads between major population centres. Although cheap and reliable, it is of little use to the traveller as most of Namibia’s tourist attractions lie off the beaten track.

It is easy to travel around Namibia by car, and a 2WD vehicle is perfectly adaquate for most journeys. However, long distances, poor mobile phone coverage outside of main towns and infrequent petrol stations that only accept cash mean that planning ahead is vital.

There are major airlines that fly into Windhoek and Swakopmund. Other destinations are reachable by car or charter flight.

Namibians drive on the left and all signposts are in English. Seat belts must be worn at all times and talking in a mobile phone while driving is prohibited. The general speed limit is 120km/h on tarred roads outside of towns and 100km/h on gravel roads. In built up areas, the speed limit is 60km/h.

Health and Medical Information

COVID-19 - Please consult the following portal for the latest  Covid requirements:

Required Vaccinations

Routine and Recommended Vaccinations and Medications

  • It is recommended that travellers are up to date on routine vaccinations including measles-mumps-rubella (MMR), diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus (DPT), varicella (chickenpox), polio, and yearly flu shots.
  • A hepatitis A vaccination is recommended as travellers may contract hepatitis A through contaminated food or water in Namibia, regardless of where they are eating or staying.
  • A hepatitis B vaccination is recommended for those who may have sexual contact with a new partner, who may get a tattoo or piercing, or have any medical procedures.
  • A typhoid vaccination is recommended for most travellers, especially those staying with friends or relatives, visiting smaller cities or rural areas, or for those that are adventurous eaters.
  • A rabies vaccination is recommended for those planning an outdoor holiday, for wildlife professionals such as veterinarians and researchers, for those who are taking a long trip or moving to Namibia, and children as they are more likely to receive animal bites.
  • Malaria is a risk in Namibia. Travellers to certain areas may need to take anti-malarial medication. Consultation with a doctor regarding this medication should be sought prior to travel. For further information on this recommendation, please visit the CDC Malaria in Namibia:

Food, Drink and Cuisine Advice

Food and water safety: 
Can you drink the tap water: Yes 
Fresh fruit and veg: Yes 
Ice: Yes 
Meat: Yes 
Street food: Yes 

Local cuisine: 
Namibian cuisine features a rich blend of German and South African influences, with a focus on grilled meats and fish. Dishes like Biltong (dried, spiced meat), Kapana (grilled meat from street vendors), and Potjiekos (slow-cooked meat and vegetable stew) are popular. Seafood is also abundant along the coast. 

Popular local drinks include Windhoek Lager and Tafel Lager, locally brewed beers. 

Tipping: customary, usually around 10-15% in restaurants. 

Climate and Weather

Partially covered by the Namib Desert, one of the world's driest deserts, Namibia's climate is generally very dry and pleasant – it's fine to visit all year round. Namibia only receives a fraction of the rain experienced by countries further east. Between aboutDecember to March some days will be humid and rain may follow, often in localised, afternoon thunderstorms. These are more common in the centre and east of the country, and more unusual in the desert.

April and especially May are often lovely months in Namibia. Increasingly dry, with a real freshness in the air, and much greenery in the landscape; at this time the air is clear and largely free from dust.

From June to August Namibia cools down and dries out more; nights can become cold, dropping below freezing in some desert areas. As the landscape dries so the game in the north of the country gravitates more to waterholes, and is more easily seen by visitors. By September and October it warms up again; game-viewing in most areas is at its best, although there's often a lot of dust around and the vegetation has lost its vibrancy.

November is a highly variable month. Sometimes the hot, dry weather will continue, at other times the sky will fill with clouds and threaten to rain – but if you're lucky enough to witness the first rains of the season, you'll never forget the drama.

Clothing and Dress Recommendations

Spring and Summer 
Cool, light, breathable and comfortable: Yes 
Lightweight warm clothes: No 

Winter and Autumn 
Jerseys, cardigans, sweaters, jackets: Recommended 
Heavyweight clothing and boots: Yes 

Umbrella and raincoat: Yes 
Warm gloves, hat and scarf: No 
Swimming costume (bathing suit): Yes 
Hat, sunglasses, and sunblock: Yes 
Walking shoes: Yes 
Casual: Yes 
Smart-casual attire: Yes 


Internet Availability

Internet cafes: Yes 
Accommodation options: Yes 
Restaurants: Yes 
Cafes: Yes 
Shopping malls: Yes 
Public parks: No 
Libraries: Yes 

Electricity and Plug Standards

Current is 220/240 volts at 50 cycles per second. A three-point round-pin adapter plug should be brought for your electrical appliances. Such adapters are also available at major airports.

General Guidance


Tipping is according to the discretion of the guest. Remember that tipping is always your choice, it is never mandatory.  Should you decide to tip, do so with a happy heart and the knowledge that you are making a huge difference in the life of someone to whom your tip means an enormous amount in terms of self-pride, job satisfaction and ease of living.   Here is our tipping guideline for reference:

Safari Guide = $20 per couple per day
Safari Tracker = $12 per couple per day
Safari or Hotel Butler = $12 per couple per day
Safari or Hotel General Staff = $12 per couple per day
City Tours: Half-Day Guide = $12 per couple
City Tours: Full-Day Guide = $20 per couple
Road Transfer Drivers = $2-8 per couple per trip
Restaurants & Bars: 10-15% of the total bill

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