Ultimate Zambia Safari with private jet



This unique, peanut-shaped country, once known as Northern Rhodesia, offers visitors an authentic African experience complete with adrenalin pumping adventure sports, a variety of fascinating cultural activities, and an abundance of indigenous wildlife, which finds refuge in Zambia’s vast national parks. Spend your evenings enjoying the spectacular site of the world’s largest waterfall, the Victoria Falls, while sipping on sundowners after an exhilarating day of whitewater rafting down the rapids of the mighty Zambezi River. If that sounds a little too adventurous for your taste, take a houseboat cruise along the exquisite Lake Kariba while watching wild elephants drink at the riverbank as you try your hand at catching the elusive tiger fish. However you choose to spend your time in this unique country, you are bound to leave with a heavy heart and a desire to return again soon to this exceptionally beautiful Southern African country.

Entry Requirements

- The Zambia Tourism Agency (formerly Zambia Tourism Board) is pleased to announce that the Government of the Republic of Zambia through the Ministry of Home Affairs (Department of Immigration) launched the e-Visa facility on Wednesday, 14th October, 2015 at Mulungushi International Conference Centre in Lusaka which was officiated by the Minister of Home Affairs.

- The e-Visa facility is open to all foreign nationals who require visas to come to Zambia and can be accessed through the web portal indicated below:


What is an e-Visa?

- An e-Visa is an alternative to conventional visas issued by the Department of Immigration in Zambia (through Headquarters, Ports of Entry and Zambia Missions) permitting foreigners who require visas to enter Zambia. Applicants therefore, may obtain their e-Visa approval letter electronically after submitting required information and payment is made by Cash and Credit or Debit Card (Master or Visa) at the point of entry.

- The link to download your e-Visa is given on the final step where you will be informed that your application has been completed successfully. In addition, the same link to download your e-Visa will be emailed to you. Immigration Officers at Ports of Entry can verify your e-Visa on their system. However, you are advised to download and keep the hard copy of your e-Visa Approval Letter.

- As in the case with other visas, respective Zambian Officials at the Port of Entry reserve the right to deny entry into Zambia to a holder of an e-Visa Approval Letter without any explanation.


- All foreign nationals who require visas to come to Zambia are eligible to apply for an e-Visa.

e-Visa Fees

- The normal visa fees shall apply as follows:

§ Single Entry US$ 50

§ Double /Multiple Entry US$ 80

§ Transit US $50

§ Day Tripper US$ 20

- For regular updates, visit The Immigration website: www.zambiaimmigration.gov.zm


- Normal validity rules shall apply.

e-Visa processing time

- For nationals that may obtain visas at ports of entry, the e-Visa will take 3 working days to process and for nationals that require visas prior to travel to Zambia processing time will take a minimum of 5 working days.

- For further information about entry requirements visit the website of the Zambia Department of Immigration

Banking and Currency

- Take cash, not Travellers Cheques!

- Visa Credit Cards can usually be used in the international hotels and the more internationally inclined restaurants and shops of the main cities and tourist related businesses. MasterCard and American Express are seldom accepted.

- However, the Zambian Ministry of Finance and National Planning has announced, for ease of payment of VISA and other fees, these payments can be done via bankcards with immediate effect at the following Zambia airports:

- 1. Kenneth Kaunda International Airport in Lusaka
2. Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula International Airport in Livingstone
3. Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe International Airport in Ndola

- The following bank cards will be accepted:

Maestro and
American Express

- However, it is always advisable to have some cash because frequently these credit card machines do not work or are down without connection.

- There are ATM cash machines in the main cities.

- Western Union and/or Moneygram outlets, where cash can be transferred and accessed the same day, can be found in almost every main street throughout the country.

Travel, Transport and Getting Around

- There are many options for local transport by aircraft, bus, taxi or by hire car.

- Independent travel is a challenge. The country has a dilapidated infrastructure, crumbling roads and lack of signage.

- For some that can be off putting; for other, a good reason to come to Zambia!

Health and Medical Information

- Malaria is endemic. You must consult your doctor before you travel to ensure that you are prescribed the correct type of mefloquine and malarone tablet protection.

- It is with much delight that we share the exciting news of Yellow Fever certification being lifted (with immediate effect) for travel between Zambia and its regional neighbours, South Africa and Botswana. This follows the recent announcement by the World Health Organisation (WHO) of declaring Zambia yellow fever free.

- Immunization against hepatitis, cholera and meningitis is recommended.

- Please check the latest information with your medical practitioner

- There are privately owned pharmacies that can prescribe most medication should you become sick.

- Some safari lodges have a nurse and staff who are trained to deal with minor bush ailments

Safety Notices

- Armed robberies and vehicle hijackings happen across the country from time to time. Be vigilant at all times. Take particular care when approaching locked gateways at night. Don’t stop to give lifts to people at the roadside. Watch out for objects that have been placed to block the road.

- Bag snatching, pick pocketing and theft from parked cars are common at some restaurants and internet cafes in downtown areas, particularly near bus and railway stations and in some shopping areas. Keep large amounts of money, expensive jewellery, cameras and phones out of sight. Don’t change large sums of money in busy public areas. Thieves have followed people after they have withdrawn money from banks and later robbed them at gunpoint.

- Walking after dark, particularly in tourist or down town areas, can be dangerous. Violent robberies have occurred in the Cairo Road area of Lusaka, including Chachacha, Freedom Way and Lumumba Roads. Tourists have sometimes been attacked in remote places

- Keep valuables and originals of important documents in a safe place and carry a copy of your passport and immigration permit.

- Use reputable banks, bureaux de change or ATMs to exchange money as counterfeit US$100 and Zambian Kwacha 50,000 notes are in circulation.

Food, Drink and Cuisine Advice

- Most restaurants and hotels serve European style food such as steak, chicken or fish

- There are good Ethiopian, Indian, Korean, Chinese and Portuguese restaurants, and even better French and Italian

- However, the best food is normally supplied by the safari lodges and camps where the meals tend to be western or Asian based.

- There is a good local beer called Mosi

- South African wines, as well as those from the new and old world, are plentiful.

Climate and Weather

- Zambia has three main seasons

- May to August is dry and warm

- September and October is dry and hot

- November to April is the rainy season. It is also the time of the year when the animals produce their young, so game viewing is good.

- It is coolest in June and July, but this period is also the sunniest and driest.. During this time it can get literally freezing at night and in the early morning, particularly when on safari, so we would like to suggest that you pack accordingly – very warm clothing including an anorak/winter jacket, a beanie, scarf and gloves are recommended.

- September and October can be very hot and very dry, and game viewing is limited to areas where there is permanent water like along the Zambezi and Chobe rivers. Game viewing at waterholes is excellent at this time

- Statistically the rainy season is from late November to March, although rainfall is relatively lower than in other tropical parts of the region.

- The Victoria Falls/Zambezi River experiences low water levels between August and January (subject to rainfall). At this time it is definitely better to stay on the Zimbabwe side rather than the Zambian side of the Victoria Falls.

Clothing and Dress Recommendations

- Generally the dress code is casual, although most international hotels and restaurants require gentlemen to wear long trousers for dinner, and occasionally a jacket and tie.

- Zambia earlier set a fashion trend with the “Kenneth Kaunda” safari suit, the forerunner of African smart casual business attire.

Internet Availability

Internet cafes: Limited 
Accommodation options: Yes 
Restaurants: Yes 
Cafes: Yes 
Shopping malls: Limited 
Public parks: Limited 
Libraries: Limited 

Electricity and Plug Standards

- Most camps are situated in remote areas and have to generate their own electricity. Generators are used as a main power source, whilst in some camps solar units charge the batteries located at each tented room, providing good 12V lights all night (if used sensibly).

- There are only 220V power points in camp. If you have an item that runs on 110V, please bring a converter. Batteries are charged in the main area or office while you are out on an activity so please bring spare batteries for use.

- Electrical plug outlets are not available in most tented camps and therefore it is not possible to use appliances such as hairdryers or electric shavers during your stay there.

- In major cities, electrical appliances run on 220/240V AC accessible via 14-amp, British type 3 square-pinned plugs. While some camps may be able to supply adaptors (3-prong round, 3-prong square, 2-prong round, 2-prong flat) it is advisable that you carry your own.

- Remember also to bring the appropriate phone, ipad and other appliance adaptors.

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