
Ranging from balmy subtropical reaches in the north, to the frosty Antarctic shores of the Patagonian south, Argentina is one of the world’s most geographically diverse countries. Its kaleidoscope of landscapes offer endless adventure and leisure opportunities, and this natural variety – coupled with its warm, animated locals, delectable carnivorous cuisine and fascinating history – make it a captivating and unforgettable travel destination. Whether you’re most likely to be spellbound by the spectacular torrents of Iguazu Falls, the sprawling ski slopes of Bariloche, the vibrant capital of Buenos Aires, or pre-Inca cultures of the Andean Highlands & Spanish colonial heritage,  Argentina has something to delight and mesmerise even the most seasoned explorer.

Banking and Currency

Please note that the only official currency in Argentina is the peso ($). The $ sign stands for pesos, while U$S, USD or US$ signs represent American dollars. If you need to change your own currency into pesos, we suggest that you do it at Banks, Exchange Bureaus or at your hotel. Do not exchange any money with people on the street, as it is illegal. Please remember that you will be asked for your passport

Banking hours are from Monday to Friday 10.00 am until 3.00 pm, and shops are usually open until 8.00pm.  

Most major credit cards are accepted, but not as widely as in the US or Europe; even some major hotels do not have credit card facilities.

ATMs are available in most cities and have options in English, but it is still best to carry alternative forms of payment as daily withdrawal limits are low and machines don't always work. During  National Holidays ATMs can run out so it is wise to withdraw in advance.


Travel, Transport and Getting Around

Argentina is huge, making air travel the most practical way to get around. Many flights are routed through Buenos Aires. Aerolíneas Argentinas (AR) ( serves many domestic destinations from its key hubs in Buenos Aires, Cordoba and Bariloche.

Driving conditions in Argentina offer everything from excellent roads to rural tracks. A 4x4 is recommended if venturing too far outside rural areas. It is advisable that only confident drivers tackle Buenos Aires’ roads. Major roads are generally in good condition, although rural roads, composed of packed dirt, can become impassable after rain. The 'A' roads are the autopistas (motorways) and those labelled 'R' are rutas (roads) - tolls exist on all main roads.

Visitors aged 21 or over may hire a car in Argentina. Car hire is available in most towns and cities, and many international companies operate out of Buenos Aires and main tourist destinations. The maximum speed limit on motorways is 130kph (80mph), 80kph (50mph) on one-lane roads, while the speed limit in built-up areas varies (40-60kph/25-37mph). Argentinians drive on the right side of the road.

Buenos Aires is the only Argentine city with an underground train service, known as the Subte ( The Subte has six lines. Access to the subway operates under the card called SUBE. You can buy the card and recharge it at the underground ticket offices. Overland urban trains also serve the capital city and its suburbs.

Colectivos (local buses) operate on main thoroughfares in all large towns and cities.

Food, Drink and Cuisine Advice

Tap water is generally considered safe in main cities and towns, especially in Buenos Aires, but otherwise bottled water is recommended. If bottled water is unavailable then boil water for over a minute before drinking.

Argentina serves up an exceptional standard of food, although choices can often be restricted to meat, pasta and pizza. Buenos Aires, however, offers a wide selection of culinary genres, with Japanese, Thai and Asian-fusion food becoming increasingly popular. Vegetarians may struggle to find extensive veggie options, but most restaurants do serve vegetables and salads. Outside Buenos Aires, however, vegetarians may be faced with quite limited choices.

Wherever you are in the country, meat is the name of the game here, and if you fancy broadening your carnivorous horizons, then there is a weird and wonderful array of meat treats to get stuck into. The traditional Argentine parrilla (grill) is the very heart and soul of Argentina's cuisine. Sample morcilla (blood sausage), chinchulines (intestines), or simply go for a slab of prime Argentine beef - all sizzled to perfection. Don’t forget to liberally douse your chosen meats in delicious chimichurri – a sauce made from finely chopped parsley and oregano, garlic, olive oil and vinegar. 

For breakfast, head to a traditional confitería (café) and sample a few medialunas (small, croissant-like pastries) and a strong café con leche. In cities, fashionable resto-bars (restaurant-bars) are taking hold, offering more contemporary takes on traditional Argentine cuisine, and all manner of lunch options. A strong Italian influence means quality ice cream is also popular, and in summertime Buenos Aires the many gelaterias (ice cream parlours) are certainly worth making use of. In the evening, Argentines dine late - 9pm is considered early – and the feasts are typically massive.

Argentina's wines have flooded the international market in recent years, and are famed for their quality and value. Try a light pinot noir from Patagonia or an inky and smooth Malbec, and don’t miss Argentina’s celebrated white, the aromatic Torrontés.

Around 10% is acceptable in restaurants as well as bars (unless you were dissatisfied) which waiting staff rely on to survive.


Climate and Weather

Argentina's climate ranges from the great heat and extensive rains of the subtropical Chaco in the north, through to the pleasant climate of the central Pampas, and the sub-Antarctic cold of the Patagonian Sea in the south. The main central area is temperate, but can be very hot and humid during Summer (December to February) and chilly in Winter.

The most pleasant times to visit Buenos Aires are September-November and February- March. January is when most of its residents flee to the coast leaving behind then it is very easy to move around, since there is less traffic. Exploring the wilds of Patagonia is best done in the late Spring and Summer months – between mid September and beginning of April – whilst the northern regions are at their most hospitable in the Spring, Autumn and Winter. If heading to Argentina for a ski trip, hit the slopes during mid-June to October.

Clothing and Dress Recommendations

Spring and Summer 

Cool, light, breathable and comfortable: Yes 
Lightweight warm clothes: No 

Winter and Autumn 

Jerseys, cardigans, sweaters, jackets: Recommended 
Heavyweight clothing and boots: Yes 


Umbrella and raincoat: Yes 
Warm gloves, hat and scarf: Yes 
Swimming costume (bathing suit): Yes 
Hat, sunglasses and sunblock: Yes 
Walking shoes: Yes 
Casual: Yes 
Smart-casual attire: Yes 


Internet Availability

Internet access is available in most towns and cities where hotels offer Wi-Fi. Many estancias and rural areas are cut off from both internet and telephone access. 

Electricity and Plug Standards

The official standard for plugs and sockets (outlets) in Argentina is the "Type I" IRAM-2073 which is practically interchangeable with the standards in Australia and China. However, many non-grounded sockets in Argentina are the "Type C" Europlug type. If your appliance's plug doesn't match the shape of these sockets, you will need one or more travel plug adapters in order to plug in. Travel plug adapters simply change the shape of your appliance's plug to match whatever type of socket you need to plug into. If it is crucial to be able to plug in no matter what, bring an adapter for both types.

Electrical sockets (outlets) in Argentina usually supply electricity at between 220 and 240 volts AC. If you're plugging in an appliance that was built for 220-240 volt electrical input, or an appliance that is compatible with multiple voltages, then an adapter is all you need.

But travel plug adapters do not change the voltage, so the electricity coming through the adapter will still be the same 220-240 volts the socket is supplying. If your appliance is not compatible with 220-240 volts, you will need a voltage converter.

Please consider that most of the hotels can provide adaptors

General Guidance



  • We will do our best to accommodate early arrivals, but please note we cannot guarantee the availability of your hotel room when arriving on early-morning flights, since regular check-in time at most hotels is usually around 03.00 pm

  • Valuable items such as passport, tickets, surplus cash, should be left in your hotel safe while at day tours.  For the rest of the time we suggest the use of a money-belt, and to always keep a watchful eye on your wallet and camera while in public places. 

  • Banking hours are from 10.00 am until 3.00 pm, and shops are usually open until 8.00pm.  

Please note that the only official currency in Argentina is the peso ($). The $ sign stands for pesos, while U$S, USD or US$ signs represent American dollars. If you need to change your own currency into pesos we suggest that you do it at Banks, Exchange Bureaus or at your hotel. Do not exchange any money with people on the street, as it is illegal. Please remember that you will be asked for your passport.

  • Please let our guides know if you have any special dietary requirements and/or any kind of physical condition or on-going medical attention we should be aware of. Please note complex medical services/ facilities will not always be easily reached during some parts of your trip.  

  • Tipping is not compulsory, but it is customary and we encourage you to do so if you feel the service has been satisfactory. Some guidelines could be:                                    

For private tours, an average of U$S 20. - Per full day tour is suggested as a tip for your local guide, with U$S 10 suitable for your driver. For half-day tours, U$S 10 and U$S 5 are appropriate for guide and driver respectively. Transfer guides are usually tipped at a rate of U$S 5, with U$S 5 for the driver per service. 

Tipping for luggage handling at hotels is usually U$S 1-2 per person. At restaurants a typical gratuity would be 10% of the total.  Finally, taxi drivers do not usually expect tips, but it is customary to round up the fare.                                         

  • Bargaining is not a common practice at shops or restaurants, prices are usually fixed except for flee markets and handicrafts fairs. Taxis always charge the fixed price shown by the meter, located on the right hand side of the car

  • Please do not pack any valuable items such as camera equipment or binoculars in your checked bags. For your flights within Argentina, you may usually use a small padlock for your checked baggage. If you are on a hiking trip, we suggest you carry or wear your boots on the flights to make sure you have them in case your baggage is delayed. Please always remember to carry a good supply of your prescribed medications in your hand baggage 

  • Airlines require passengers to check-in three hours prior to departure for international flights, and two hours prior to departure for domestic flights. Pick-up times for transfers have been therefore scheduled taking this requirement into account. 

Baggage allowance for domestic flights is 15kg / 33lbs for Aerolineas Argentinas. Hand baggage allowed is 8 kg / 17.5 lbs per person. Any luggage heavier than these limits will be considered as an additional 15 / 23 kg bag, and charge $ 3199 Pesos (USD40). If you know you are carrying more than the limit, you can pre- purchase additional baggage at the airline’s website for a discounted price. Please Aerolineas Argentinas allows to buy up to 4 pieces of extra luggage per person

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