Argentina Dove - Rio Seco 3 night



Thank you for your interest in traveling with Trek Safaris on our dove hunt in Cordoba, Argentina to the Rio Seco Lodge. This itinerary offers you two full and two half days of shooting based on the itinerary is this planner. Rio Seco  is located about 2 hours from the Cordoba Airport, and has just been fully remodeled to meet our ever growing quality standards.  The drives to the fields are a very comfortable 15 to 50 minutes. . The experienced staff, with over 17 years catering to hunters, will make your stay at Rio Seco the experience of a lifetime. The gourmet meals are a combination of European dishes combined with typical Argentine cuisine. We use our own grass fed beef, so the meat you will enjoy during your stay is second to none. Sierra Verde will meet the expectations of the most discerning international traveler.

A typical shooting day at Rio Seco starts after a sumptuous breakfast, with departure to the fields by 8 AM. The shooting fields at each Lodge are carefully rotated and rested to assure maximum bird numbers. The driving distance to the fields ranges between 15 and 50 minutes in our luxury 15 passenger vans with air conditioning, refreshments and two-way radios. Each client shoots with their own experienced professional bird boy, who will act as a loader, retrieve downed birds and keep cool drinks ready. Shooting continues until noon, when the group gathers in a shady grove of trees for a traditional Argentine asado (barbecue) complemented with salads, gourmet desserts and fantastic wines. After lunch and an optional siesta, the shoot continues until approximately 6 PM. Upon returning to the lodge, relax with drinks and hearty hors d’oeuvres while preparing for dinner.






day 0

Overnight Travel

1 night

day 1

Missing Point

3 nights


day 4

Overnight Travel

1 night


FI: Fully Inclusive - Bed, All Meals, Fees and Activities



  • Trip Fee: 3 day hunt $2,100.00 per person (double occupancy)
  • Tours and transfers in Mendoza and Buenos Aires-$380.00 

Fast Facts

6 Days / 5 Nights

Reference Number: Sonic Automotive Group


  • Three or four days of shooting
  • Rooms
  • Meals, drinks, and select wines
  • Hunting license
  • Gun rental
  • Transfers in Cordoba


  • International and domestic airfare
  • Shotgun shells
  • Gratuities
  • Items of personal nature
  • Transfers/tours outside of program

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