
Two Night & Two Day Rafting Trip

•Depart Day 1: 08:00

•Return Day 2: 12:00


You will be collected from your accommodation to meet at The Lookout Cafe situated on the edge of the Batoka gorge at 08:00 am. Tea, coffee and biscuits will be served, your guide will give a pre-departure briefing, and you will be asked to sign an indemnity form. We shall then drive to rapid #1 and begin the steep walk into the gorges below.

Within minutes we are a world away from the buzz of Victoria Falls town. At the base of the trail, our rafts await us in a large pool on the Zambezi, and it is here that you will be given a safety talk.

The first part of any rafting experience is very much a learning exercise and after a few practice runs we nudge our boats into the current and drift down-stream to challenge the legendary rapids of the Zambezi. There is no gradual build up! The 23 km you will raft today includes renowned rapids such as ‘Stairway to Heaven’, ‘Gulliver’s Travels’ and ‘Oblivion’. This is the wildest section of the Zambezi river.

A cold buffet lunch will be served on the banks of the river in the gorge on our way downstream. We will reach our beach campsite at rapid #21 at about 15:30 pm. Camp is set up on the white sandy beach overlooking the river.


We rise as the sun illuminates the towering walls above, to the smell of bacon and eggs on the fire. Camp is packed up and all the equipment is harnessed down tightly for the voyage downstream; a long day lies ahead. Our world will become one of exhilarating action and scenes of remarkable beauty. The Songwe gorges, home to the threatened Taita falcons, are spectacular.

There is now more time between major rapids than on day one, a chance to relax in the sun as we drift down calmer stretches. On day two we shall negotiate rapids such as ‘The Narrows’ and ‘Let’s make a Deal’ to arrive at ‘Upper Moemba’ rapids.

‘Upper Moemba’ rapids are one of the most spectacular on the river and as with so many of these rapids it has a perfect platform for photographers who can stand within meters of the action. Our rafts slide over the lip and drop into several huge crashing waves that appear to swallow them completely. The entire Zambezi is squeezed into a narrow cataract at this point. We run the ‘Upper Moemba’ rapids and portage ‘Lower Moemba’ Falls arriving at the beach camp for the second night.


After a good hot cooked breakfast we raft down to the proposed Batoka Gorge dam site. From here guests take the 45 minute walk out of the Zambezi gorge and are met by our vehicles for the transfer back to Victoria Falls. This is a three-hour journey on a dirt road through the Hwange Communal Lands, and several African villages. We will arrive back in Victoria Falls between 12:00 and 13:00 hrs.






day 0

Victoria Falls (town) Victoria Falls (Zimbabwe)

1 night


day 1

Victoria Falls (town) Victoria Falls (Zimbabwe)

1 night



FB: Full Board - Dinner, Bed, Breakfast and Lunch

D,B&B: Dinner, Bed and Breakfast

Victoria Falls (Zimbabwe): Victoria Falls (town)

White Water Rafting Guests enjoy a day of Whitewater fun and sun! White Water Rafting

Fast Facts

3 Days / 2 Nights

Additional Information

Two Night & Two Day Rafting Trip

•Depart Day 1: 08:00

•Return Day 2: 12:00


You will be collected from your accommodation to meet at The Lookout Cafe situated on the edge of the Batoka gorge at 08:00 am. Tea, coffee and biscuits will be served, your guide will give a pre-departure briefing, and you will be asked to sign an indemnity form. We shall then drive to rapid #1 and begin the steep walk into the gorges below.

Within minutes we are a world away from the buzz of Victoria Falls town. At the base of the trail, our rafts await us in a large pool on the Zambezi, and it is here that you will be given a safety talk.

The first part of any rafting experience is very much a learning exercise and after a few practice runs we nudge our boats into the current and drift down-stream to challenge the legendary rapids of the Zambezi. There is no gradual build up! The 23 km you will raft today includes renowned rapids such as ‘Stairway to Heaven’, ‘Gulliver’s Travels’ and ‘Oblivion’. This is the wildest section of the Zambezi river.

A cold buffet lunch will be served on the banks of the river in the gorge on our way downstream. We will reach our beach campsite at rapid #21 at about 15:30 pm. Camp is set up on the white sandy beach overlooking the river.


We rise as the sun illuminates the towering walls above, to the smell of bacon and eggs on the fire. Camp is packed up and all the equipment is harnessed down tightly for the voyage downstream; a long day lies ahead. Our world will become one of exhilarating action and scenes of remarkable beauty. The Songwe gorges, home to the threatened Taita falcons, are spectacular.

There is now more time between major rapids than on day one, a chance to relax in the sun as we drift down calmer stretches. On day two we shall negotiate rapids such as ‘The Narrows’ and ‘Let’s make a Deal’ to arrive at ‘Upper Moemba’ rapids.

‘Upper Moemba’ rapids are one of the most spectacular on the river and as with so many of these rapids it has a perfect platform for photographers who can stand within meters of the action. Our rafts slide over the lip and drop into several huge crashing waves that appear to swallow them completely. The entire Zambezi is squeezed into a narrow cataract at this point. We run the ‘Upper Moemba’ rapids and portage ‘Lower Moemba’ Falls arriving at the beach camp for the second night.


After a good hot cooked breakfast we raft down to the proposed Batoka Gorge dam site. From here guests take the 45 minute walk out of the Zambezi gorge and are met by our vehicles for the transfer back to Victoria Falls. This is a three-hour journey on a dirt road through the Hwange Communal Lands, and several African villages. We will arrive back in Victoria Falls between 12:00 and 13:00 hrs.

Victoria Falls (Zimbabwe): Victoria Falls (town)

White Water Rafting Guests enjoy a day of Whitewater fun and sun! White Water Rafting
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