
FI: Fully Inclusive - Bed, All Meals, Fees and Activities

B&B: Bed and Breakfast

Victoria Falls (Zimbabwe): Victoria Falls River Lodge

Victoria Falls River Lodge - Luxury Tented Suites Victoria Falls River Lodge Victoria Falls River Lodge

Cape Town: Cape Cadogan Boutique Hotel

Cape Cadogan Boutique Hotel Cape Cadogan Boutique Hotel Cape Cadogan Boutique Hotel

andBeyond Phinda Private Game Reserve: andBeyond Phinda Vlei Lodge

andBeyond Phinda Vlei Lodge andBeyond Phinda Vlei Lodge andBeyond Phinda Vlei Lodge

Londolozi Game Reserve: Londolozi Founders Camp

Londolozi Founders Camp - Main Area Founders Camp Main Area Londolozi Founders Camp - Main Area

Fast Facts

13 Days / 12 Nights

2 guests

Victoria Falls (Zimbabwe): Victoria Falls River Lodge

Victoria Falls River Lodge - Luxury Tented Suites Victoria Falls River Lodge Victoria Falls River Lodge

Cape Town: Cape Cadogan Boutique Hotel

Cape Cadogan Boutique Hotel Cape Cadogan Boutique Hotel Cape Cadogan Boutique Hotel

andBeyond Phinda Private Game Reserve: andBeyond Phinda Vlei Lodge

andBeyond Phinda Vlei Lodge andBeyond Phinda Vlei Lodge andBeyond Phinda Vlei Lodge

Londolozi Game Reserve: Londolozi Founders Camp

Londolozi Founders Camp - Main Area Founders Camp Main Area Londolozi Founders Camp - Main Area
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