North Toronto - Rome and Naples: March 7th - 16th, 2024



8 Mar 2024 - 12 Mar 2024

Rome, the capital of Italy’s Lazio Region in the central-western part of the peninsula, is a city that remains virtually unrivalled in the sheer volume and diversity of its cultural repertoire. One could spend months here and still only scratch the surface of treasures to be discovered in this phenomenal ancient city. 3000-odd-years of haphazard urban development has resulted in a complex cocktail of art, history, and architecture full of fascinating cultural clashes and contrasts. Classical ruins as well as countless early Christian catacombs and clandestine churches sit alongside (or beneath) magnificent Renaissance palazzos and breathtaking Baroque fountains. This unique combination of a rich historical tapestry interweaved with a thriving and vibrant modern community living life to its fullest as only the Italians can, makes Italy's Eternal City one of the world's most intriguing and inspiring tourist destinations.

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12 Mar 2024 - 16 Mar 2024

Presided over by mighty Mount Vesuvius, with the remarkable archaeological site of Pompeii on its doorstep, the historical Mediterranean city of Naples has a long and fascinating history. Naples predates the Italian state and the Roman Republic by centuries, resulting in a virtually unrivalled bounty of Greek and Roman artefacts. Naples is unlike any other Italian city - it is huge, edgy, and disorderly, and yet this contemporary mayhem carries on against a backdrop of some of Italy’s grandest and most impressive historical squares, world-class museums, and breathtaking Baroque masterpieces. As the birthplace of pizza and home to arguably the most sumptuous culinary scene in a country famous for its excellent food, Naples boasts numerous gastronomic establishments to thrill food lovers with all manner of tasty delights.


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