Mexico biedt reizigers een verleidelijk smorgasbord van natuur, geschiedenis, keuken en cultuur. Azteekse en Maya-archeologische schatten, tequila, charmante koloniale steden, Mexicaans eten en strandcultuur, al deze kenmerken en meer vormen dit toeristische en historische centrum. De cultureel nieuwsgierigen zullen worden overweldigd door de indrukwekkende locaties van oude beschavingen die de grote prekoloniale geschiedenis van Mexico vormden. Natuurliefhebbers zullen in hun element zijn op de ongerepte stranden die zich uitstrekken langs de 10.000 kilometer lange kustlijn of het verkennen van de regenwouden, bergtoppen en mangrovelagunes van het land. Fijnproevers genieten van de kenmerkende en smaakvolle keuken die wereldwijd beroemd is geworden.
Located 72 kilometres east of Merida, in southern Mexico’s Yucatan State, Izamal is a historic village known as The Yellow City for its ochre-yellow buildings. The town features incredible Mayan, colonial and modern architecture. The Spanish colonial Convento de San Antonio de Padua is a grand building of arched terraces built on the flattened top of an ancient Mayan pyramid dedicated to the god Itzam Na, a tiny part of what was once a sprawling Mayan city. An incredible sound and light show takes place there regularly which gives insight into the ancient culture. Other highlights include: a wonderful cultural centre selling beautiful local crafts, excellent traditional cuisine, and restored Mayan pyramids, which can be seen as part of a horse-drawn-carriage tour of the city.
Merida, the capital of Mexico's Yucatan Province, is situated near the Gulf of Mexico and the captivating Pueblos Mágicos (magic towns). Due to its isolated geographic location, the capital of Yucatan has fostered a unique cultural and political identity. Merida was built on the site of the ancient Maya city T’ho, but many of the existing Mayan pyramids were knocked down by the Spanish to build the large colonial buildings you see today. The city is the second-largest historic centre in Mexico, after Mexico City itself, and has a host of trendy museums, art galleries, restaurants and boutiques. Don’t miss a visit to the famous avenue Paseo de Montejo to view the beautiful sculptures which line the road. The sculpture installation changes every year.
Often overlooked by travellers to the Yucatan peninsula, quiet Campeche offers a plethora of hidden treasures. Pristine, deserted beaches stretch across the coastline; the Tereminos Lagoon offers protection to an abundance of bird and sea life and a day can be spent cruising its mangrove inlets; and the capital of the state is an elegant colonial city. The fortified old town, now a World Heritage Site, was founded in 1540 by Spanish conquistadores. Bright traditional homes of Andalucían and Caribbean influence line narrow cobbled lanes. Just outside town you’ll find Edzna, an ancient Mayan city, and further afield, the Mayan settlements of Calakmul, Uxul and Xicalango.
Situated in Mexico’s Yucatan peninsula southwest of Merida, Santa Rosa is famous for its stately, romantic heritage hotel, the Hacienda Santa Rosa; two intriguing and refreshing cenotes; and the nearby Mayan ruin of the Santa Rosa Xtampak Ruins. Visitors flock to experience the world underground where they can cool off in the waters, snorkel, and marvel at the unusual rock formations. Cenote Tza-Ujun-Kat features a large hole in the ceiling letting in natural light, a bottomless hole, and shallower areas, making it ideal for a family outing. Cenote Santa Rosa is a darker, more mystical location lit up spectacularly by multi-coloured lights. The Hacienda Santa Rosa offers a stunning turquoise pool surrounded by lush, flowering gardens in a 17th century villa. History enthusiasts can marvel at the incredible Santa Rosa Xtampak Ruins nearby, which date back to 300 BC.
Situated to the east of the bustling city of Merida on the beautiful Yucatan Peninsula in southeast Mexico, Tixkokob is one of the little Mayan villages dotting this scenic peninsula. Deep in Mayan country, the village is encircled by butterfly-filled tropical jungle and offers visitors a glimpse into authentic Mexico. Visitors can experience a luxury stay at a private hacienda, enjoy cultural day trips, sample delicious traditional cuisine, discover the surrounding colonial villages as well as visit several nature reserves to view an array of indigenous wildlife inhabiting the peninsula.