Sample Zimbabwe Safari Explorer


A nation of spectacular natural beauty, friendly people and rich culture, Zimbabwe’s status as one of Africa’s leading safari destinations was dampened for years by its political instability. But now that the country is transcending its strife and returning to a state of equilibrium, it is once again emerging as a vacation highlight of the continent. Victoria Falls – known to locals as ‘The Smoke That Thunders’ – is one of the seven natural wonders of the world and the sheer power of this massive body of water plunging into the Zambezi Gorge is awe-inspiring and unforgettable. Lake Kariba, with its game-rich shores and islands, is an idyllic safari spot featuring mind-blowing sunsets; Hwange National Park is known for its huge herds of elephants; and a kayak trip down the Zambezi through the Mana Pools National Park will appeal to the intrepid traveller, providing close encounters with crocodiles, hippos and a host of other wildlife.

Victoria Falls (Zimbabwe)

Days 1 - 2

The Victoria Falls, one of the Seven Wonders of the World, is a sight not to be missed. Especially when the Zambezi river is in full flow (April to June/July) when over a mile of unbroken surging water plunges into the Zambezi gorge below. The pleasant town is compact enough to walk around and the Falls are within easy walking distance.

The Victoria Falls is bordered by Zimbabwe and Zambia and each country offers a different viewing perspective. Towards the end of the dry season, from late September to January, the spectacle is best seen from the Zimbabwe side of the Victoria Falls.

A host of activities are on offer centred around the Falls themselves, the magnificent Zambezi River and the Zambezi National Park. Enjoy guided tours of the Falls and then a languorous sunset boat cruises. To gain an overall impression of the Falls, the helicopter 'Flight of Angels' is essential. A microlight ride and bungee jumping are available for the more daring. The wide gentle river above the Falls is the perfect place for canoeing and fishing, whilst below the Falls, the serious white-water rafting or jet-boating is on offer. Game drives and horse riding are offered in the Zambezi National Park to view elephant and buffalo, or you can take a day safari to nearby Chobe National Park. You can also sample elephant back safaris and interactions.


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Victoria Falls (Zimbabwe)

Alternative Accommodation

Palm River Hotel

Victoria Falls (Zimbabwe)

Days 2 - 4

As previously described


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Victoria Falls (Zimbabwe)

Alternative Accommodation

The Elephant Camp

Hwange National Park

Days 4 - 7

Hwange National Park is Zimbabwe's largest and oldest game park, home to a profusion of wildlife, including giraffe, lion, zebra and approximately 40 000 elephants. It lies only two hours' drive south of Victoria Falls en route to Bulawayo so it’s easily combined.

Its size necessarily includes a range of vegetation and a resulting diversity of game, from the dry southern acacia bordering the Kalahari to the northern mopane woodlands, valleys and granite hills characteristic of the north. Hwange is big game country with massive herds of elephants, especially visible at the end of the dry season in September. There’s also a sizeable population of wild dogs thought to be among the largest groups in Africa. Game-viewing in Hwange is made easier by the shallow salt pans throughout the park. These natural salt pans offer the perfect cooling mud bath for elephants.

The game lodges are either in private concessions or adjacent to the park. Here you take part in early morning and late afternoon game drives in open 4x4 vehicles and game walks. The best time to visit Hwange is in the dry winter months from July to October when the animals are forced to congregate around these water pans and ponds for much-needed water.


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Hwange National Park

Alternative Accommodation

Verney's Camp

Matusadona National Park

Days 7 - 10

Situated in northern Zimbabwe on the shores of Lake Kariba, Matusadona National Park comprises a large expanse of pristine wilderness characterised by flat grassy plains and dramatic rugged mountains. From the vast woody escarpment to the dense bush of the Zambezi valley floor, the park features a diverse range of landscapes inhabited by abundant wildlife species. These include, among others: elephant, cape buffalo, black rhinoceros, hippopotamus, crocodiles and an impressive variety of birdlife. The entire northern boundary of the park is created by the lake's grassy shoreline, providing excellent opportunities for boat cruise safaris. Other popular activities include walking safaris, tiger fishing, and camping at some of the park’s many small rustic bushcamps.


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Matusadona National Park

Alternative Accommodation

African Bush Camps Bumi Hills Safari Lodge

Mana Pools National Park

Days 10 - 13

The life-giving power of the Zambezi River makes Mana Pools National Park one of Zimbabwe’s most lush and rewarding safari regions. It offers a stunning water and wildlife experience. The focal point is the magical Zambezi River and its islands, the surrounding flood plains and gorgeous forests of mahogany, wild fig, ebony and baobab trees.

Mana Pools is renowned for its large numbers of elephant, buffalo, hippo, crocodile, and eland that concentrate along the river when the inland waterholes dry up - especially in the winter months. Leopard and lion are present but are not seen as regularly. This World Heritage Site is one of the least developed national parks in Zimbabwe and it's this overwhelming sense of wilderness which is as much of an attraction of Mana Pools as its wildlife.

Mana means 'four' in Setswana and refers to the four large permanent ox box lakes formed by the meandering Zambezi river. It was saved from a hydro-electric scheme in the early 1980's which would have flooded this beautiful area. Canoeing and walking safaris are a speciality of Mana Pools, both day excursions and multi-day adventures. Canoe trips are offered year round and provide a unique and memorable way for visitors to experience the area’s striking scenic beauty and diverse fauna, while guided walks are a great way to take its pristine riverside forests.


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Mana Pools National Park

Alternative Accommodation

Camp Mana
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