
Days 1 - 2

Arusha is the safari capital of Tanzania - nestled below Mt. Meru and close to Mount Kilimanjaro. From Arusha there are options to head to Lake Manyara, Tarangire and Ngorongoro National Parks and from there it’s a short trip to the Serengeti. Arusha was built by the Germans as a centre of colonial administration because of the temperate climate.


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Days 2 - 4

Designated by the Maasai people, Randilen is a community wildlife management area of 327 km², which extends organically from Tarangire National Park's north-eastern boundary and adheres to strict ecological principles that benefit both wildlife and the community. In the dry season between July and October, wildlife is concentrated around a few water sources, particularly the Tarangire River Valley. Wildlife moves into the surrounding hills during the green season, which comes alive with lushness, flowering blooms, epic skies, and exuberant wildlife. Aside from elephant and buffalo, species most likely to be seen are giraffe, zebra, wildebeest, waterbuck, bushbuck, impala, lesser kudu, eland and warthog. Among the predators are lion and leopard, as well as jackals and mongoose.

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Days 4 - 7

Travellers heading for the Serengeti and Ngorongoro Crater will pass through the town of Karatu in the green hills of Tanzania’s northern highlands. Presided over by the towering Ol Deani Volcano, this small, colourful town serves as a popular overnight stop for visitors exploring the area’s many game parks. The town offers a variety of activities including browsing the bustling marketplace, sampling beer at a local brewery, visiting a traditional homestead, or taking a guided walk through the Ngorongoro Forest in search of waterfalls and caves. Whether you are looking for cultural tours, hiking and biking opportunities, a chance to enjoy an authentic rural Tanzania experience, or simply a break between safari game drives, this underrated town has plenty to offer.

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Central Serengeti

Days 7 - 10

The Serengeti together with Kenya’s Masai Mara Game Park form Africa’s most famous wildlife park. The image of acacia trees on an endless grass plain epitomises Africa for many, and then add a Masai warrior and some cattle to the picture and the conversation need go no further. The annual wildebeest migration through the Serengeti and the Masai Mara is the largest mass movement of land mammals on the planet – with more than a million animals following the rains. You may encounter it in the Central Serengeti at certain times a year. But that is not where the game viewing ends; large prides of lions, elephants and giraffes in grasslands, gazelles and eland to mention but a few. Aside from traditional vehicle safaris, hot-air ballooning over the Serengeti plains has become almost essential and you can even do a horseback safari.

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Central Serengeti
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