The idyllic, crescent-shaped slice of paradise known as Lord Howe Island is in fact the top ridge of an extinct underwater volcano and seamount, projecting above the surface of the ocean. The island is blessed with a diverse range of spectacular natural landscapes and offers a wide range of outdoor activities for a variety of interests and levels of fitness. Visitors can relax on the island’s gorgeous white sandy beaches, snorkel on the stunning coral reef, hand-feed fish on Ned’s Beach, discover the world's tallest sea stack, or experience some of Australia’s best day hikes while climbing Mount Gower. Visitor numbers are restricted to a maximum of 400 at any given time which only adds to the remote feeling and tranquility of this tropical getaway. The multi award winning, World Heritage Lord Howe Island is an ideal destination for families and makes for a wonderfully romantic and entirely unforgettable couple’s retreat.