Ecuador Volcano Trail Standard 8D



Days 1 - 3

Everything about Quito – from its setting along the slopes of Pichincha volcano to its having the best preserved, least altered historic center in Latin America – makes it a capital city worth visiting. (The ‘old town’ as the center is known was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1978.) Stroll along its narrow streets and enjoy the buskers, vendors, and locals going about their everyday business. Visit the monasteries of San Francisco and Santa Domingo, the Church and Jesuit College of La Compañia, the Cathedral of Quito or the hill of El Panecillo where you can view the 45m high statue of the Virgin Mary. Mariscal Sucre (Plaza Foch) offers a taste of modern Quito with its trendy bars, restaurants and nightlife.


Hostal de La Rabida

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Avenue of the Volcanoes

Days 3 - 5

Stretching for 200 kilometres between the Eastern and Western Cordillera mountain chains, Ecuador’s “Avenue of the Volcanoes” encompasses as many as 14 of the country’s most impressive volcanoes.  Cotopaxi, said to be the world’s most beautiful volcano, is situated in Cotopaxi National Park (90 minutes’ drive south from Quito). Only experienced mountaineers should tackle ascending this mighty peak, as reaching the summit requires glacier climbing. Cayambe, with its permanent snow cap, and Chimborazo, Ecuador’s tallest volcanic mountain, are also stand-out features along this spectacular route, while Sangay and Tungurahua are among the 10 most active volcanoes in the world. A number of tours start and end in the country’s vibrant capital city, Quito.


Hacienda La Ciénega

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Avenue of the Volcanoes


Days 5 - 6

Located in central Ecuador in the Chamba River Valley of the Andes, Riobamba lies at the heart of an extensive scenic road network. The city, sometimes referred to as the ‘Sultan of the Andes’, is an important commercial center for the central highlands and due to its proximity to Chimborazo, the country’s highest peak, is also a favorite base for trekkers and mountain climbers who wish to explore it and a number of other peaks in the area. On Saturdays, visitors can enjoy the large bustling market that brings traders from far and wide to sell a rich assortment of wares.


Hacienda Abraspungo

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Days 6 - 7

The small, central-Ecuadorian town of Banos de Agua Santa (‘Baths of Holy Water’) lies in the verdant foothills of the Tungurahua volcano. Adventure lovers can make the most of this idyllic setting by taking a waterfall tour; going paragliding, bridge jumping or white-water rafting. Those looking for views with a hint of danger can try a ride on the ‘Swing at the End of The World’, to sail out over the mountainside and see unobstructed views of the (possibly erupting) volcano. For the less bold, a visit to the mineral-rich hot springs will do nicely, followed by a stroll along the town’s red, blue and yellow pavement and a sampling of the local fare at one of the many welcoming eateries. Several beautiful colourfully-lit cathedrals add a sense of wonder to the town at night.


La Posada del Arte

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Days 7 - 8

As previously described


Hostal de La Rabida

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