Ruaha National Park

Days 1 - 4

Following its 2008 merger with Usangu Game Reserve and other notable wetlands, Ruaha is counted among Tanzania's biggest national parks, spanning more than 20,000km². It is also a sizeable elephant haven and home to buffalo, huge populations of lion, leopard, and a profusion of bird species, including kingfishers, plovers, egrets, hornbills and sunbirds. Crocodiles and hippos thrive in the Great Ruaha River, which flows along the sanctuary’s eastern border and in the dry season between July and November, animals flock to the last remaining water sources, presenting an exceptional wildlife spectacle. There are a number of accommodation options available but some close for the wet season in March and April.


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Ruaha National Park

Katavi National Park

Days 4 - 8

Located in western Tanzania, the remote Katavi National Park is a captivating stop along the western tourist route. Encompassing Lake Katavi, the Katuma River, and picturesque Lake Chala, Katavi National Park encompasses roughly 4500 square kilometres of unspoiled Tanzanian woods, savannah and wetlands. This park is the third-largest in the country and is home to the world’s largest herds of buffalo. Katavi boasts a wide array of bird and animal life, including leopards, elephants, zebras, lion,s and the densest hippo and crocodile populations in the country.


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