Galapagos & Mainland Tour COMF 11D



Neighbouring Colombia and Peru, Ecuador is a relatively small country that nevertheless offers an enticing array of scenic landscapes, diverse wildlife species and interesting cities. Dense Amazon rainforest, towering Andean mountain peaks, palm-fringed Pacific Coast beaches and fascinating historical sites are all part and parcel of Ecuador’s prolific charms. The former Inca town of Cuenca is the nation’s third-largest city and a Unesco World Heritage Site. This alluring city, with its cobbled streets, beautiful architecture and photogenic plazas, boasts a huge variety of museums and art galleries. The vibrant capital city of Quito is also worth a visit. Arguably the most dazzling jewel in Ecuador’s crown is the Galapagos Archipelago in the Pacific, about 1000 kilometres west of the mainland. Their magnificent, pristine landscapes and prolific wildlife, which inspired Charles Darwin, have made this cluster of islands a world-famous travel destination.


Days 1 - 3

Everything about Quito – from its setting along the slopes of Pichincha volcano to its having the best preserved, least altered historic center in Latin America – makes it a capital city worth visiting. (The ‘old town’ as the center is known was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1978.) Stroll along its narrow streets and enjoy the buskers, vendors, and locals going about their everyday business. Visit the monasteries of San Francisco and Santa Domingo, the Church and Jesuit College of La Compañia, the Cathedral of Quito or the hill of El Panecillo where you can view the 45m high statue of the Virgin Mary. Mariscal Sucre (Plaza Foch) offers a taste of modern Quito with its trendy bars, restaurants and nightlife.


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Days 3 - 4

The town of Otavalo offers a rich experience – in color, nature, and history. Surrounded by the peaks of three massive volcanoes, the town is best known for its Saturday market and the offerings of woven textiles for which the Otavaleño people are world famous. (This weaving tradition goes back to pre-Incan times.) Otavalo is also known for its traditional music, which forms a major part of Inti Raymi, the summer solstice festival. While in the area, visit the nearby town of Cotacachi and the Cuicocha laguna or retreat to the sacred ceremonial Cascades de Peguche, an 18m-high waterfall that plunges out of the thick forest. It is said that bathing naked under the upper waterfall cleanses your soul.


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Cotopaxi National Park

Days 4 - 5

Established in 1975 as a protected area, Cotopaxi National Park – situated about 50km southeast of the capital Quito – represents the most impressive of what Ecuador has to offer by way of animals and birds, including the majestic Andean condor, as well as valleys, lakes and a number of volcanoes. Center stage is occupied by the snow-laden Cotopaxi volcano that rises to 5 890m – a favorite with mountaineers. An excursion might have you spying puma, the rare Andean spectacled bear, Andean fox or orange-headed caracara, which is endemic in the area. The ruins of Incan forts and other ancient stone ruins can be seen surrounding Santo Domingo Lake. A number of haciendas outside the park offer accommodation.


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Cotopaxi National Park


Days 5 - 6

As previously described


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Puerto Ayora

Days 6 - 8

Situated on Santa Cruz Island of the Ecuadorian Galapagos Islands, the tourist town of Puerto Ayora is famous for its striking natural scenery, breathtaking beaches, and unique history. As the biggest town in the archipelago, it is from here that many excellent cruises, diving expeditions and land-based tours depart. Tortuga Bay, which rivals any South American beach, is perfect for swimming and sunbathing and also offers the chance to spot sharks, marine iguanas, pelicans, and the occasional flamingo; while the Charles Darwin Research Station is home to giant tortoises. Lava tunnels and two idyllic lagoons provide further opportunities to explore. 


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Puerto Ayora

Puerto Villamil

Days 8 - 10

The small port town of Puerto Villamil is located on the edge of Ecuador's Isabela Island. This quiet town features sandy roads and strong agricultural and fishing businesses. Surrounded by beautiful natural areas, Puerto Villamil is home to a number of birdlife species such as flamingos, Bahama pintails, gallinules, and whimbrels which can be found around the saltwater lagoon. Tourists can explore nearby attractions such as the Wall of Tears, the Tortoise Breeding Center, gorgeous white sand beaches, and a boardwalk that leads to a mangrove environment. There are also several fine restaurants offering authentic traditional cuisine as well as some wonderful local markets.


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Puerto Villamil


Days 10 - 11

As previously described


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