Prime Spots of Tanzania



Tanzania is in many ways a natural extension of Kenya. The Serengeti-Masai Mara Ecosystems (supporting the most diverse migration of grazing mammals on earth) stretches over 24,000km² of land with the Serengeti in Tanzania in the south and the Masai Mara in Kenya to the north.

Tanzania includes the spice islands of Zanzibar, Pemba, and Mafia and contains Africa’s highest point—Kilimanjaro, at 5,895 meters (19,340 feet).

  • Tanzania is the largest country in East Africa and is just over twice the size of California
  • There are over 120 languages are spoken, with English and Swahili being the official languages
  • Africa blackwood trees (Mpingo trees) provide the most expensive hardwood in the world
  • Home to Mount Kilimanjaro; the highest free-standing mountain in the world
  • The largest crab in the world, the coconut crab, can be found in Zanzibar
  • More than a quarter of both Kenya and Tanzania is protected through National Parks, nature reserves and protected areas
  • Kenya and Tanzania have the greatest numbers of wild large mammals on earth


Days 1 - 2

A quaint town on the Southern slopes of Mount Meru in the lush coffee growing highlands of Northern Tanzania, Arusha is known as the safari hub of Tanzania Northern safari circuit. The famous Northern Circuit includes the Serengeti National Park, Kilimanjaro National Park, Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Arusha National Park, Lake Manyara National Park and Tarangire National Park.

Discover the ‘bean-to-cup’ process on a Coffee Tour Estate where you roast, grind and taste your own coffee or experience the sights, sounds and smells of the local Tengeru Market. Arusha is the centre of the Tanzanite trade; a highly sought-after purple-blue gem found only in Northern Tanzania.

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Tarangire National Park

Days 2 - 4

The 2,850 square kilometres Tarangire National Park is an integral part of the Northern Tanzania safari circuit, Tarangire is a relatively small park surrounded by private conservancies that extend it’s eco-system substantially.

During the dry months of July to November, the perennial Tarangire River, running through the heart of the park becomes the sole source of freshwater for the abundant wildlife within the Manyara National Reserve. A migration of animals in search of water and green pastures provides exceptional game viewing including wildebeest, zebra, buffalo, eland, lesser and greater kudu as well as predators such as lion, leopard and hyena. The elephant population during these months is known to reach upwards of 3,000 in the park at one time.

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Tarangire National Park

Lake Magadi

Days 4 - 6

Not to be confused with the Kenyan lake of the same name set only a hundred kilomtres away, the Tanzanian Lake Magadi is an exquisite soda lake in the Ngororongo crater, named the Swahili word for salt. This is a wonderful destination for nature photographers, a scene that changes exquisitely through the seasons, moving through lush greens into striking oranges and bright pinks. Along with the changes come captivating, changing groups of animals including rhino, eland and lion, as well as golden jackals who come to hunt the flamingos. Spread over 11.2 square kilometres, the lake cultivates a unique ecosystem with its blue-green algae, which nourishes the plants and small creatures here. The surrounding crater is filled with incredible other natural attractions and a much wider variety of wildlife.

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Lake Magadi

Northern Serengeti

Days 6 - 9

The vast, rolling savannah of the Northern Serengeti, is known as the hub of the great migration. The landscape is characterised by vast stretches of savannah interspersed with acacia trees and riverine woodlands.

Wildlife can be seen along the banks of the Mara River and visitors can view the annual spectacle of the half a million migrating wildebeest. Commonly spotted wildlife include: a multitude of plains game such as buffalo, zebra, gazelles, impala, giraffe as well as lion and leopard. Visitors can look forward to bird watching, hot air ballooning, game safaris and guided bush walks.


Lemala Kuria Hills Lodge

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Northern Serengeti

Alternative Accommodation

Lemala Nanyukie Lodge
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