8 Day Botswana Luxury Fly-in Safari



Situated in the southern reaches of Africa, Botswana is renowned for its pristine wilderness areas characterised by deep lagoons, wetlands, lush palms, rugged hills and desert plains. The country’s primary tourist drawcard is undoubtedly the vast red expanse of the Kalahari Desert and its remarkably beautiful Okavango Delta, the largest inland delta in the world. These natural wonders provide a tranquil haven for an abundance of African wildlife to thrive. Other highlights include the impressive Makgadikgadi Salt Pans, where visitors are privy to massive zebra migrations during the flood season; the Savuti plains, which host a significant pride of lions; and the Tsodilo Hills, where 4500 rock paintings form a unique record of human settlement over many millennia.

Chobe National Park

Days 1 - 3

Chobe National Park is situated in the far northeast of Botswana, bordered to the north by the mighty Chobe River. It is the second-largest national park in Botswana and features four distinct ecosystems: the Savuti Channel in the west; the Linyanti Swamps in the northwest; the arid hinterland in between and Serondela in the extreme northeast with fertile plains and thick forests. This diversity of habitats provides a sanctuary to an astonishing array of African wildlife, most notably the impressive, shifting migratory population of more than 50 000 elephants. Visitors are also likely to spot lions, leopards, hyenas, wild dogs, impala, waterbuck, kudu, zebra, wildebeest, giraffes, and warthog. The park is also famous for its wonderful riverboat safaris, making Chobe an essential destination for any avid safari enthusiast.

Okavango Delta

Days 3 - 6

Located in the northwest of Botswana, the Okavango Delta spans an area of around 15,000 square kilometers. It is the largest inland delta in the world, consisting of a sprawling network of waterways, lagoons, islands, reed-covered plains, and lush grasslands. This unique ecosystem, often referred to as the "Jewel of the Kalahari," is a haven of biodiversity and a paradise for nature lovers, adventurers, and photographers.

The Delta is home to an impressive array of wildlife, including elephants, buffalo, lions, leopards, cheetahs, giraffes, zebras, and many others. The waterways teem with a variety of waterbirds, crocodiles, and hippos. During the rainy season, the plains transform into a blooming paradise, while in the dry season, waterholes form, attracting numerous animals.

The combination of scenic beauty, diverse wildlife, and authentic nature experiences makes the Okavango Delta one of Africa's most exciting and breathtaking destinations. The pristine environment and tranquil surroundings provide the perfect setting for relaxation and rejuvenation.

Things to Do

Mokoro Rides: Explore the Delta in traditional dugout canoes, known as mokoros, and gently glide through the waterways while observing wildlife and aquatic plants up close.

Game Drives: Discover the rich wildlife of the Delta on game drives in a 4x4 safari vehicle. Experienced guides will take you to the best viewing spots to witness unforgettable wildlife encounters.

Guided Walks: If available, participate in guided walks to experience the fascinating flora and fauna of the Delta up close.

Bird Watching: The Delta hosts an astonishing variety of bird species, from colorful bee-eaters to majestic eagles, offering excellent opportunities for bird watching.


Okavango Delta

Days 6 - 8

As previously described

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