
Days 1 - 5

Kigomani lies on Zanzibar's northeastern coast and is known for its endless stretch of powdery white-sand beach, which meets crystal-clear turquoise waters. Visitors can engage in an array of thrilling adventure activities, and enjoy a visit to the local fish market. Other popular activities include snorkeling the offshore coral reef, diving, boating, wildlife watching and island hopping near Mnemba Island. The sunsets here are spectacular - make sure to bring your camera. This destination is generally quiet - the perfect place to escape the crowds - you'll probably see more cows than people.


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Stone Town

Day 2

Situated on the western coast of Zanzibar’s Unguja Island, UNESCO-listed Stone Town is the oldest part of Zanzibar City and is the cultural heart of the island. The town’s photogenic winding alleys are fringed by grand historic buildings, bustling bazaars, a glorious sultan’s palace, and the intriguing House of Wonders - named as such for exhibiting running water and electricity as never before in 1883. Stone Town also boasts numerous sacred buildings - over fifty mosques, six Hindu Temples, a Catholic, and an Anglican Cathedral - all of which are beautiful in unique ways. Other highlights include sunset dhow cruises; spice tours to aromatic distilleries; and neighbouring Changuu Island, home to stunning sandy beaches, a historic prison, and dozens of giant, ancient tortoises.

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Stone Town


Days 5 - 8

The Seronera region, in the central Serengeti, is set directly on the Great Migration route and offers excellent viewing of this incredible annual phenomenon, when countless wildebeest flood the area and move across the plains. While migratory game populations fluctuate seasonally, Seronera is still a wildlife hotspot at other times of the year, sheltering the Big Five, among many other species. A number of small campsites provide accommodation and visitors can enjoy hot air balloon trips and walking safaris as well as guided game drives.

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Central Serengeti

Day 5

The Serengeti together with Kenya’s Masai Mara Game Park form Africa’s most famous wildlife park. The image of acacia trees on an endless grass plain epitomises Africa for many, and then add a Masai warrior and some cattle to the picture and the conversation need go no further. The annual wildebeest migration through the Serengeti and the Masai Mara is the largest mass movement of land mammals on the planet – with more than a million animals following the rains. You may encounter it in the Central Serengeti at certain times a year. But that is not where the game viewing ends; large prides of lions, elephants and giraffes in grasslands, gazelles and eland to mention but a few. Aside from traditional vehicle safaris, hot-air ballooning over the Serengeti plains has become almost essential and you can even do a horseback safari.

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Central Serengeti
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